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To: mozilla-java@mozilla.org
From: "Andy N" <bloke_friday@hotmail.com>
Subject: It works...and it looks excellent!
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 02:40:17 -0000

Congrats on the job so far!

This little history may help.

After a good few days tinkering I finally managed to get Jazilla (in it's
current state) up and running. Starting from a completely clean system with
no Java tools loaded. Please bear in mind that I was attempting to get ALL
the code to compile as I didn't know what was required and what was not

I had started with JDK 1.2 after a few people had said that they had the
program up and running but I didn't get very far. I then followed all and
any notes of required files, and downloaded the following:

- JDK1.1.7b
- Swing 1.1 (final release)
- JavaMail 1.1
- Java Activation Framework (JAF)
- ICEBrowserLite

The changes I had(?) to make to the current JarBall where :

1. Forget trying to compile org.mozilla.mozilla.javafe.widgets.ColorButton
as I don't have any version of Swing that recognises
'com.sun.java.swing.preview.*' or 'javax.swing.preview.*;

2. Change org.mozilla.mozilla.javafe.widgets.ColorPane 's import line from :
    import com.sun.java.swing.*;
    import com.sun.java.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;

Having done that, I then had to change 3 occurances of
            new PreferenceSelectionListener(

            new PreferenceSelectionListener(

...all that did was get all the code to compile.

When I ran the org.mozilla.mozilla.Jazilla class, I got the Bookmarks
message and the 'select an HTML renderer' message and then it bombed out
with the following error :

[Loaded .\org\mozilla\mozilla\javafe\browser\ForwardAndBack$Loc.class]
        at javax.swing.JMenu.removeAll(JMenu.java:620)
org.mozilla.mozilla.javafe.browser.ForwardAndBack.buildMenus(Compiled Code)
        at org.mozilla.mozilla.Jazilla.main(Jazilla.java:85)

Having checked and rechecked my environment I commented out the following
code :

 private void buildMenus() {
        //  goMenu.removeAll();            (I commented out this line)

Rebuilt and WAYHAYYYY!!! It all worked swimmingly!

I have to say I'm am very impressed with progress so far. Now that I can use
the program I can start to learn the code.

I also setup my Visual Cafe v2 to compile and edit which is good, but
obviously having been built for JDK 1.1.3 the debugger doesn't work.

Question : What do you use for your debugging? (JDB? then I'm REALLY stuck!)
I'm the sort of programmer that needs the luxury of stepping through the
code line by line to learn and debug!

Question : Is there a bug database? How would I submit a bug?

For your information, here is the final CLASSPATH I used :

I'll start trying to get a handle on all your code now :-)

Andy Noble