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From: Dominique Dumont <domi@barrayar.grenoble.hp.com>
Subject: {ANNOUNCE] new module Puppet::Body
Date: 8 Jan 1999 16:31:23 GMT


Puppet::Body is a utility class that is used (and not inherited like
the deprecated Puppet::Any) to manage dynamic has-a relations between

This class results from the split of the deprecated Puppet::Any.

It provides the following features :

- An event log display so derived object may log their activity
- A Debug log display so derived object may log their "accidental" 
- A set of functions to managed "has-a" relationship between Puppet objects.
- A facility to store data on a database file tied to a hash.

Suggested DSLI entry in the Perl Module list:

Puppet::Body   adpO  Handles permanent data, has-a relations and logs DDUMONT

About Puppet body classes

Puppet classes are a set of utility classes which can be used by any
object.  If you use directly the Puppet::Body class, you get the plain
functionnality.  And if you use the Puppet::Show class, you can get
the same functionnality and a Tk Gui to manage it.

I'd like people who use this module for their application to drop me a
short note about what they're using this module for.

