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From: "Joseph N. Hall" <joseph@5sigma.com>
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Perl classes Phila/NJ area 1st-2nd week March
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 19:12:38 -0700

I'll be teaching a 4 day introduction to Perl March 2-5 1999 and a
4 day intermediate/advanced class the following week, March 8-11
in Moorestown, NJ (20-30 min from Phila).  There are seats still
available.  Email joseph@5sigma.com for more information and/or
see www.perltraining.com.


Joseph N. Hall   http://www.5sigma.com/joseph/  mailto:joseph@5sigma.com
Proprietor, 5 Sigma Productions          P.O. Box 6250 Chandler AZ 85246
*Effective Perl Programming  .............. http://www.effectiveperl.com
*Perl resources & instruction .............. http://www.perltraining.com