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Date: Wed, 24 Mar 1999 09:33:09 -0700
From: Erik Ratcliffe <erik@calderasystems.com>
To: caldera-users@rim.caldera.com
Subject: UPDATE: HackPak now has 2.2.4 kernel RPM packages

Andrew McRory, the HackPak machine, has produced RPM packages for the latest
2.2.4 Linux kernel.  They are available in the usual spot:


This time, he even offered a crude install script (aptly named "install")
that you may be interested in using.  If you decide to use it, after
downloading the script be sure to make it executable before running it:

	chmod 700 install

This script needs to be executed in the same directory that the downloaded
HackPak RPM packages reside in.  The script *only* installs the 2.2.4 kernel
RPM packages; the rest will have to be installed using the directions in

(For those who just tuned in, "HackPak" is a set of RPM packages that
contain all the updates necessary to allow OpenLinux 1.3 systems to run
modern 2.2.x Linux kernels.)

| (o)(o) Erik Ratcliffe, erik@calderasystems.com | Please send all direct |
|  \oo/   Caldera Systems, Inc.  Orem, Utah USA  |  support requests to   |
|  =\/=       http://www.calderasystems.com      | our support department |