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To: GNU Announce <info-gnu@gnu.org>
Subject: First Issue of the "Brave GNU World", the monthly GNU column, is online now
From: Brave GNU World <column@gnu.org>
Date: 22 Mar 1999 01:03:05 +0100

[Please repost and forward this article widely, wherever it
is appropriate.]

               First Issue of the "Brave GNU World", the 
               monthly GNU column, is online now
				-- Georg Greve

Hi !

The first issue of my "Brave GNU World" column is online now. It can
be found under:

  [ English version ]

  [ deutsche Version ]

The "Brave GNU World" is a bilingual (English and German) monthly
column that provides information about internal developments of the
GNU Project and things of importance to the GNU community, while
trying to give insights into the underlying philosophy.

The column is bilingual because the "Linux Magazin", Germany's biggest
GNU/Linux magazine, is printing it.

This column is intended to become a forum for all GNU maintainers,
friends and associates and I am always open to suggestions. So if 

 * have questions about the GNU Project that might be of general

 * have a GNU Project and would like to improve its profile

 * would like to start a GNU Project you are looking for people to
   start it with 

 * think something doesn't get the publicity it deserves

 * would like to see something made public

send mail to:

	"Brave GNU World <column@gnu.org>"

The first issue covers the following topics:

 *  short introduction
 *  GPKCS-11
 *  Shred,
 *  Renaming of the LGPL
 *  Autoconf


		Georg Greve

Georg C. F. Greve <greve@gnu.org>
"One smaller motivation which, in part, stems from altruism is
Microsoft-bashing."            - Vinod Valloppillil (Microsoft)
                                           Halloween Document I