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From: Tom Christiansen <tchrist@mox.perl.com>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: New Perl documentation available
Date: 26 May 1999 10:33:24 -0700

If you don't want to go the whole _57 route, I've created
three tarballs.  Each holds both pods and manified pods for
easy copying into your mandir1 (and for funcs, mandir3).

1   Everything from the src/perl/pod/ directory, plus manifications
    and splitpoddage.  Does not include module pods, though.
	http://language.perl.com/newdocs/allpod.tar.gz      (1.77M)

2   Just the faq pods, plus their manifications.  
    This is also in allpods.
	http://language.perl.com/newdocs/faqpod.tar.gz	    (221K)

3   The result of running splitpod, plus manifications.  This
    goes in mandir3.  This is also in allpods, but in an
    obvious subdirectory.
	http://language.perl.com/newdocs/funcpods.tar.gz    (177K)

I still haven't updated roffitall yet.

"When the big wind blows, the tree falls down, but the reed just bends."
				- Johnny Clegg and Savuka