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Leading items and editorials

The GPL and Qt collide again. At the Atlanta Linux Showcase, Debian developer Branden Robinson shared with us something that he discovered while checking out Corel's beta version of Corel Linux at their booth: Corel had developed a GUI packaging utility called get_it which linked against both libqt and libapt-pkg. libqt is the Qt development library and libapt-pkg is licensed under the GPL. Anyone remember the long furor over KDE due to licensing?

We did not mention the issue at the time, to give Branden an opportunity to notify the libapt-pkg author and maintainer Jason Gunthorpe and give him a chance to respond, as well as to notify Corel officially, since they were likely unaware of the problem. We are pleased to report, from conversations on the debian-legal mailing list and from reports back from Branden, that Debian and Corel have come to an amicable agreement: Jason will place a specific exception into the license for libapt-pkg to allow Corel to link against both it and the Qt library. Meanwhile, Corel has been sensitized to the potential side-effect of their choice to combine the Debian GNU/Linux base with the Qt development libraries.

Problem solved? Not exactly. This is a heads-up as to potential difficulties ahead as more and more commercial companies start developing using existing code bases licensed under the GPL. The *BSD camp is likely to point their fingers at the GPL as the cause of this. The GPL camp is just as likely to point their fingers at Qt, for choosing to work out their own license instead of the GPL. Qt's license for 2.0 has been declared to be open source and compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines, yes, but not compatible with code released under the GPL.

This is one reason why proliferation of licenses is bad. If the difficulties are hard to spot and avoid when dealing with the BSD license, the GPL and, in this case, the QPL, add the MPL, the ZPL, and every other license that each corporation feels impelled to create and the problem becomes more and more difficult. The results can be dealt with individually, with authors examining the intent of the people using code based on multiple licenses, when only two licenses are involved. If twenty different licenses become involved, or twenty different authors, the problems become monumentally difficult. Even worse, the licenses involved make look good at first glance but may contain clauses that make them anything but "free". A couple of recent examples might include Apple's initial version of APSL and Sun's SCSL.

Please think seriously before you create a unique license for your software product. Please use the GPL or the BSD style license if you can. If you don't like them, consider the Artistic license or the modified BSD style license. Whatever you choose will be better than the results of "rolling your own".

Age became an issue in this Wired article on Comdex. "Persons under the age of 18 (including infants in strollers and backpacks) are not permitted at this event and will not be allowed on the exhibit floor. " We saw a similar placard up at the Embedded Systems Conference last week. It strikes a jarring note, though, in the Linux community, where many creative and productive projects testify to the achievements of people young and old alike and most interactions happen in forums where you don't even know the age of the people to whom you speak. What happens when a meritocracy meets an autocracy? In this case, 17-year-old Mike Lavers, who also happens to be company founder and CTO for Matrixcubed Internet Services, was denied entrance to this year's Comdex.

Slashdot heard about it, of course, and garnered close to 300 comments, ranging from outrage about the restriction to comments on fears of lawsuits to general condemnation of the treatment of people under the age of 18 in the US. Not too surprisingly, the next Slashdot mention indicated that an exception had been made and Mike would be allowed to attend, according to an updated Wired article.

However, Comdex isn't changing its general policy. Anyone under the age of 18 is going to have to ask for an exception to the rule. That leaves a bad taste. If anyone wonders why teenagers turn to drugs and violence, ask them how much "freedom" they have to involve themselves in more creative projects that will bring them praise and recognition. Hopefully Linux-based conferences will refuse to buckle under to this industry trend and continue to hold their doors open to anyone not likely to be bored silly by the proceedings ...

Two more critical commercial applications come over: First, Allaire is expected to announce Monday the planned shipment of Cold Fusion 4.5 for Linux next month. Second, this press release from Lotus has buried in it, several paragraphs down, the notice of the imminent availability of Domino Release 5 for Linux.

Both announcements have been about a year in coming. In the case of Allaire, it was just over a year ago that they mentioned their plans to bring Cold Fusion to the Linux platform. Their user community has been waiting, not so patiently, since. In the case of Lotus, a year ago in this ZDNet UK story, Jeff Papows, president and CEO of IBM's Lotus development corp. stated, "... I just cannot say Linux offers a viable proposition...". Well, that was primarily in reference to Lotus Notes, not Domino, whose Linux port has been spoken of since January, but it was fun to point out. Now if we can get Framemaker and Quicken over ... seriously, open source software will eventually catch up with these commercial giants, but that doesn't change the fact that having good quality commercial software as an option, as soon as possible, will make life better in the short-term.

Slides from Liz's talk at ALS. A bit belatedly, the slides from Liz's talk at the Atlanta Linux Showcase, "Linux Distributions: Well-known through Unknown", have been made available. This talk has been updated from the original draft posted in November, with the addition of a few more slides and some corrections. Note, for those of you who don't like the GIF pages that Star Office produces, try clicking on "text" on the top menu to view the talk in text format. That makes it possible to drag off the URLs and also makes the speaker notes visible.

Next: Alternative Linux. Coming next week, November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, is Alternative Linux 1999 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tutorials, conference talks, Richard Stallman and Eric Raymond in the same room together ... just about any amusement you could ask for from a Linux conference. If any of you make it there, be sure to send a report and maybe some pictures!

Linux system admin training in November. Eklektix Inc., publisher of LWN, is offering a public version of its Linux System Administration course the second week in November. Some seats remain open in this course; now is your chance to learn about Linux administration from the people who bring you LWN. (End of word from our sponsor).

Inside this week's Linux Weekly News:

  • Security: Blaming the Internet for crime. OpenSSH is released.
  • Kernel: Working styles bring conflict between two key developers.
  • Distributions: Distributions out of Thailand, Phat Linux and more.
  • Development: Mutt 1.0, the VAX porting project, KDE and Gnome news, etc.
  • Commerce: More activity from TurboLinux, third quarter reports, still more press releases.
  • Back page: Linux links of the week, letters to the editor.
...plus the usual array of reports, updates, and announcements.

This Week's LWN was brought to you by:

October 28, 1999


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See also: last week's Security page.


News and editorials

The Internet is to blame ..., or so this APBnews.com article would have you believe. They talk about the "hacker" sites on the Internet and blame them for the escalation in security problems out there.
"The Internet has always been a haven for computer criminals," said research analyst Adam Harriss. "The technologically savvy hackers have been online swapping tips and programming for decades, but now the information is being posted and sold at low cost in a form that even the techno-illiterate can understand. Causing damage to machines and infiltrating systems has become as easy as putting together a child's Christmas toy."
What are the problems with this type of commentary? Here are two examples. First, with a few exceptions, most of the sites they are talking about do not blatantly encourage criminal acts. Most of them exist to share knowledge so that people responsible for preventing security incidents can have access to all the information they need to find problems fix them and test their network security, as Robert G. Ferrell comments in his reaction to this article on the ISN mailing list. "Those of us who choose to defend the infrastructure, rather than attack it, need the information contained in most of these sites desperately. "

Second, by focusing on the people who illegally try to hack sites, the true issue, creating secure applications and making it easier for people to find fixes and keep their systems secure, is totally overlooked. "That's too hard!" they might say, or perhaps companies are making too much money off of tools like anti-virus software to want to see the underlying problems addressed. "The problem is not the availability of data on how to breach a system; the problem is that the system can be breached in the first place", commented Jay D. Dyson.

OpenSSH officially released. The OpenBSD folks have put out an official press release announcing the availability of OpenSSH, a new package based on an earlier version of ssh in which all proprietary code has been replaced (along with "libraries burdened with the restrictive GNU Public License (GPL)"). Familial bickering aside, this is a very good thing. The availability of a truly free version of ssh which can be packaged up with OpenBSD, Linux or any other operating system benefits all of us.

Security Reports

cdwtools: Suse reported problems in the cdwtools package, including some buffer overflows. They provide updated packages and indicate that other Linux distributions may be impacted. No updates for other distributions have been seen as of yet.


lpd: File permission problems with lpr and lpd can allow a user to print a file which they are not allowed to read.

screen: A package problem with Red Hat Linux 6.1 where ptys are created with insecure permissions. Non-Red Hat 6.1 based distributions and earlier versions of Red Hat are not affected.

wu-ftpd: Several new vulnerabilities were reported last week, including nasty buffer overflows and a remotely-exploitable root vulnerability. If you are running the wu-ftpd daemon, you need to upgrade immediately.

ypserv: ypserv prior to 1.3.9 had a variety of security problems. An upgrade to 1.3.9 is recommended.

  • SuSE
  • Debian (full nis package update, with changes to rpc.yppasswd as well)


Maximum Security Linux. Maximum Security Linux, recently announced by Macmillan USA, in association with SecurityPortal.com, combines documentation with GPL'd security tools, everything currently bundled under SecurityPortal.com's Linux Security Suite. Obviously, you can probably get everything in this package for free if you want to look for it. However, like a Linux distribution, the value here is in having someone else choose and put together a combination of tools for you.

The first public version of dosfw 0.1 was announced this week. It is a simple Linux netfilter firewall module, used to drop denial-of-service packets during an attack. "The current version supports only two attacks and TCP Fingerprint scan, but you may expect other attacks in the (hopefully near) future. Contributions are welcome."

Section Editor: Liz Coolbaugh

October 28, 1999

Secure Linux Projects
Bastille Linux
Khaos Linux
Secure Linux

Security List Archives
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Firewall Wizards Archive
ISN Archive

Distribution-specific links
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Yellow Dog Errata

Miscellaneous Resources
Comp Sec News Daily
Linux Security Audit Project
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See also: last week's Kernel page.

Kernel development

Stable kernel version: 2.2.13. That will probably be true for some time to come. Note, however, that 2.2.14pre2 has been released, so 2.2.14 is hovering out there.

The fun stuff is now going into Alan's ac patches, of which we are now up to 2.2.13ac2. Here are the release notes for the ac patches released this week:

Part of the goodies in the ac patches will eventually make it into the stable tree, presuming it shakes out okay. Other portions are not expected to do so. Check the patch announcements for more details.

Development kernel version: 2.3.23. This was apparently released on Saturday, October 23rd. It appears to have slipped out without any fanfare. Several pre-patches for 2.3.24 have shown up since then.

Why is the Tulip ethernet driver in the kernel so old? And why are Linus and Donald Becker yelling at each other? A disagreement over how kernel development should happen is creating difficulties between two of our most productive developers and has resulted in very old code running in the kernel.

The driver for ethernet cards based on the Digital "Tulip" chip is widely used - many such cards are deployed out there. 2.2.13 currently contains version 0.89H of this driver, dated 5/23/98. This driver was written, like so many Linux network drivers, by Donald Becker; a look on his Tulip page shows that the current stable version is 0.91; there is also 0.91g for those who want to live on the edge.

So why is the mainline Tulip driver so old? It turns out there is a major disagreement over how pieces of the kernel should be developed:

  • Donald runs his own development web pages and mailing lists, and uses his own community to test new drivers. Quite a few people work with Donald in the quest to get the driver working on yet another weird Tulip-based card. Donald prefers to keep the testing internal until he has a version that works well; that version then gets shipped off to Linus for inclusion in the kernel tree.

  • But Linus has not been including these new drivers. Linus has, over time, gotten increasingly suspicious of large, monolithic patches. He would much rather see things come in in small pieces; that way, when something breaks, it is much easier to figure out which patch went wrong.

    Linus also makes the point that having code merged frequently into the main development tree greatly expands the number of testers who will try things out. That leads to problems being found more quickly, and a better final product.

The situation looks like a standoff for now, nobody seems ready to change their way of doing things. It may well be that a third party ends up in the middle, feeding driver patches to Linus incrementally as they happen. Linus calls that the role of "Maintainer", as opposed to that of "Author" and comments that they should not necessarily be the same person.

However, for someone else to become the kernel maintainer for Donald's drivers, Donald will have to open up some of his development process, such as his CVS archives. Hopefully, he will be amenable to this. In the end, one way or another, Linus has a way of winning these battles. Hopefully the resolution, whatever it is, can come about without alienating a crucial Linux kernel hacker (any one around who could get Donald onto the list for one of the upcoming Linux-related IPOs?).

Other patches and updates released this week include:

  • devfs v130 and devfsd 1.2.6 from Richard Gooch

  • a patch to fs/devices.c to make it dynamic, instead of using two static arrays indexed by major number, from Jeff Garzik

  • passive duplicate IP detectionfrom Marc Merlin.

  • Trond Myklebust has ported NFSv3to Linux kernel 2.3.21.

  • Andrea Arcangeli put together several PCI fixes into one patch against 2.3.22 and is looking for feedback, particularly from Alpha users.

  • Bufflink "provides a quick and easy way for kernel code to create a ring buffer and write to it from any context (process, bottom half or interrupt)."

  • Uwe Bonnes put out a patch to try and get consistent disk paging data with /proc/stat. He is asking for comments and looking for testers.

Section Editor: Jon Corbet

October 28, 1999

For other kernel news, see:


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See also: last week's Distributions page.


Please note that security updates from the various distributions are covered in the security section.

Out of Thailand: Linux-SIS and Linux-TLE. Linux-SIS and Linux-TLE are two Linux distributions out of Thailand. Linux-SIS was developed to serve as an Internet Server for schools in Thailand, particularly those involved in the SchoolNet Thailand Project.

Linux-TLE, on the other hand, is targeted at Thai desktop users. It is based on Linux-Mandrake, but adds Thai language extensions. Check this message from Pattara Kiatisevi for more details. Many thanks to them for their web site, which, although understandably primarily in Thai, was clear enough for us to navigate, get some information and register for regular updates on their work. Best of luck to them.

Don't forget Phat Linux! Phat Linux isn't new; it has been around since 1998. This week, F. Odenkirchen in Germany dropped us a note to point out that it was missing from our list. Simultaneously, it also popped up in the press releases, with this announcement from TUCOWS about the availability of a special download of Phat Linux v3.2. Phat Linux is another distribution built to run on a Window 95/98 partition, so people can run Linux without having to repartition an existing Windows disk.

Armed Linux

Comments on Armed Linux. Someone took a look at Armed Linux and wrote a column on it for osOpinion. "MIKE" seemed pretty impressed. "I took the CD home, unzipped the 'ARMED.ZIP' file, read the README.TXT file, rebooted as instructed, and 10 minutes later I was net surfing. I was stunned. It found all my hardware and configured everything correctly except my proxy server. All I could say was, 'Wowser, this is how it oughta be.'"

Caldera OpenLinux

Lone Wolf. Quietly, without any official announcement, Caldera has made Lone Wolf, a Pentium-optimized version of OpenLinux, available in as ISO CD image form as part of an open beta project. It is already in its final few weeks of testing and available to download and play. Besides the pentium-optimization, there are apparently some other subtle differences for which we have no exact details to report.

Corel Linux

Computer Currents on Corel Linux. Computer Currents follows up their review of TurboLinux with a look at Corel's beta. "But the company that brought you CorelDraw is set to give TurboLinux (and perhaps Windows) a run for its money. My tests with a prerelease Corel Linux show that it's even easier to set up and use than TurboLinux, and it closely matches Windows' intuitive interface." Of course, not everyone around would agree that Windows' interface is "intuitive" ...

Debian GNU/Linux

Debian Weekly News. The Debian Weekly News for October 26th mentions that activity is heating up in preparation for the freeze. A BugSquash will be held this weekend, Saturday, October 30th, and work is progressing on both the boot-floppies and on apt. More generic discussion topics covered this week include the size of Debian and a call for vote on package pools.

Looking for information on Debian GNU/Hurd? The latest Kernel Cousin debian-hurd has been released. Ports of the Hurd to the Alpha platform and the development of Hurd users groups are a couple of the topics covered.

Definite Linux

Definite Linux ships IPSEC-enabled kernel. Definite Linux announced that it will be the first Linux distribution to ship a kernel that has IPSEC enabled. This kernel includes the International crypto patches, as well as the recent FreeS/WAN 1.1 release.


CPUReview on Mandrake 6.1 Powerpack. William Henning at CPUReview took a long look at Mandrake 6.1 and gave it an "A". "You can't go wrong buying Mandrake 6.1; it is an excellent Linux distribution, and it has found a permanent home here at CPUReview."


LinuxPPC News. In what we hope will be the first of many reports, Jason Haas at LinuxPPC has provided us with news on current developments, including progress on an iBook, a new mailing list for users of the Apple Network Server (ANS), upcoming plans to help people transitioning from AIX to Linux and 128-bit Netscape, from LinuxPPC within the United States or Fortify for people outside the United States.

The iBook boots LinuxPPC. Progress is reported by Benhamin Herrenschmidt, LinuxPPC developer, on the project to port Linux to the iBook. Two test kernels with iBook support have been put out so far, which boot up to the LinuxPPC installer, though clearly more work still needs to be done. Another day, another platform on the way to World Domination ...

Red Hat Linux

Red Hat responds to 6.1 installer problems. Red Hat released two sets of updates to their boot disks to address some of the installation difficulties that have been reported in Red Hat 6.1 The first update apparently did not correctly fix the problems, so a second update"refixed" them and also fixed a problem where the choice of a KDE desktop still installs a Gnome desktop. This can't be a happy time back at Red Hat. This much sloppiness in a point release of what is expected to be a fairly stable product does not look good.

Geeknews on Red Hat 6.1. Geeknews.org has put out a review of Red Hat 6.1. They mention Red Hat's new interactive startup, "you can detect and modify hardware as you boot the box. This is their first review, so they'd love to get some feedback. [From Linux Today]

Linux.Netnerve reports on another Red Hat 6.1 problem. Problems with cdrecord under Red Hat 6.1 are discussed and an unofficial workaround suggested. Note, you may also want to check the Red Hat Bugzilla Database to report or look for known bugs with a distribution. This particular problem is not an installation problem.

Rock Linux

Rock Linux 1.3.4. Rock Linux is a distribution aimed at the highly skilled and experienced. It is always built on the latest sourcecode for each package and provides support for easily downloading only source and compiling the entire distribution on your own hardware. They have announced version 1.3.4, with kernel 2.3.22 and other package upgrades.

Rock is a fun installation, in many ways. After giving talks on Linux Distributions, I now pick up occasional mail with requests for specialized distributions. A recent one requested a distribution that was really built to allow you to recompile everything from scratch, rather than install binary packages. Of course, Slackware was one option, but Rock Linux was definitely another. Just download the 1MB Rock Linux source package, extract it and run three commands to download, test and compile all the source packages.

Slackware Linux

Kernel 2.2.13 has been added and work started on new boot disks based on the latest stable kernel. wu-ftpd, elvis, imap, bind and ypserv have also been updated as well. The wu-ftpd and ypserv updates are security-related, so upgrading your packages is recommended.

Small Linux

Steven Gibson sent us a development report for Small Linux that was mistakenly left out of last week's Distributions Summary. Our apologies! The report mentions that version version 0.7.2 is now available. It uses the 2.0.0 kernel and the binaries for free, vi and more have been added. Small Linux is especially designed for people that need a Linux distribution to run on small memory machines, as small as 2MB.

Storm Linux

Storm Linux Beta released. Stormix has announced the official beta release of Storm Linux, a Debian GNU/Linux-based enhanced for ease of installation, particularly with auto-detection for hardware and containing several GUI modules for systems administration tasks like networking.

New mailing lists for Storm Linux. Stormix Technologies has announced three new mailing lists for users of the Storm Linux distribution.

SuSE Linux

Beta Versions of SuSE Linux 6.3 have been sent to the beta testers, who are all very busy ironing out the last bugs. No details on what has been added to 6.3 are yet available.

Lenz Grimmer confessed that he's been unable to keep up with the regular SuSE lists as much as usual while working in North Carolina on a project for the past few weeks. However, if you head over to irc.linux.com, channel #SuSE, you just might run into him and a few other SuSE folks ...


Last week, we mentioned a problem between Red Hat 6.1 and Tomsrtbt: "The Tomsrtbt rescue disk may have problems with ext2 file systems created under Red Hat 6.1. This week, Tom Oehser dropped us a note to mention that Tomsrtbt-1.7.185 fixes this problem and to provide more details on what the problem was.
The problem is that ext2fs-1.16 creates filesystems by default that cannot be used with 2.0.x kernels which don't support the sparse-super option. 1.7.185 has a patch applied to 2.0.37 to add sparse-super support. The patch to retrofit sparse-super support to 2.0.x is available at http://www.toms.net/rb/add-ons/sparse-patch.bz2 if anyone else is interested in it. Many thanks to Ted Ts'o for whipping this patch together in record time.
This new version also contains new programs for assisting in the rescue operation, including rescuept, findsuper and undeb. See Tom's note for more details.

Section Editor: Liz Coolbaugh

October 28, 1999


Lists of Distributions
Woven Goods
Known Distributions:
Alzza Linux
Armed Linux
Bad Penguin Linux
Bastille Linux
Best Linux (Finnish/Swedish)
Black Cat Linux (Ukrainian/Russian)
Caldera OpenLinux
Chinese Linux Extension
Complete Linux
Conectiva Linux (Brazilian)
Debian GNU/Linux
Definite Linux
Eridani Star System
Eonova Linux
e-smith server and gateway
Eurielec Linux (Spanish)
eXecutive Linux
Green Frog Linux
Hard Hat Linux
Kha0s Linux
Linux Cyrillic Edition
Linux-Kheops (French)
Linux MLD (Japanese)
LinuxOne OS
Linux Pro Plus
Linux Router Project
nanoLinux II
NoMad Linux
Peanut Linux
Phat Linux
Plamo Linux
Project Ballantain
Red Hat
Rock Linux
Small Linux
Storm Linux
Vine Linux
WinLinux 2000
Yellow Dog Linux


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See also: last week's Development page.

Development projects

Mutt finally graduates. Many people who've been using mutt for years may be surprised to note that they have been using beta versions of the package. Now Mutt 1.0 has finally been announced. [Slashdot]

Linux Systems Administrator Guide. Joanna Oja is the new maintainer for the Linux Systems Administrator Guide, taking over from Lars Wirzenius, who has been maintaining this resource since late 1992/early 1993. Many thanks to Lars for all his work and best of luck to Joanna.

VAX porting project revived. Kenn Humborg dropped us a note to mention that the Linux/VAX project, to port Linux to the VAX architecture, has been revived. The website listed is new and if you wish to be subscribed to the new mailing list, check that site for information on re-subscribing (the original subscriber list has been lost).

Note that if you want Unix on your VAX right now, he recommends trying out NetBSD, since the Linux project is still in the early stages.

BSD Driver Database. Apparently the FreeBSD Driver Database has been expanded to encompass drivers from all the BSD operating systems. The new BSD Driver Database wants to "help individuals with hardware that needs supporting get in touch with driver developers with the knowledge to write the support for the hardware." [From Slashdot]

Help out the LPI. The Linux Professional Institute still needs some people to help them out by submitting test questions for its Linux administration certification exams. If you know a lot about some aspect of running a Linux system, why not show it off by coming up with a few gnarly test questions? See the LPI web page for information on how to help.

Embedded Linux

Linux, Real-Time Linux, and IPC. An article in the November issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal takes a look at the formalized structures in Linux for IPC, particularly FIFOs and shared memory. In it, Linux processes and real-time Linux processes are compared and their interaction is examined. [Linux Net News]


Miguel de Icaza is US bound. Miguel de Icaza is quitting his day job and moving to the US. To answer your first question, no, it does not appear that he has taken a job with Red Hat. From his activity log, "We got a secret investor firm to invest in our supper-dupper free software company to develop free software and provide kick-ass applications for users all around the globe". Congratulations, both Miguel and Nat!

Gnome Summary for October 20th-26th. Here is this week's Gnome Summary from Havoc Pennington, including news from Japan, the documentation front and the usual hacking activity reports.


Enlightenment DR0.16 reviewed. A review of the 0.16 development release of Enlightenment has been written by Christian Schaller over at LinuxPower. It sounds like he's been converted: "I have to admit it took some days before I bothered to download it, due to some problems I had with the co-existence between Gnome and Enlightenment DR0.15 as mentioned in my Gnome on Ice article. After having used it now for a little while I have to beg Mandrake and Rasterman my humble forgiveness for not downloading it on the day of its release. This is truly wonderful. "

Christian also noted that he wrote the article with Abiword, which he commented was becoming really useable. Abiword is licensed under the GPL.


KDE 2.0 Technology Overview. The KDE 2.0 Technology Overview has been made available. It describes some of the new technology being adopted in KDE 2.0, including DCOP (lightweight IPC), KParts (Kanossa), KSycoca (data caching), Java and more.

The KDE Development News. This week's KDE Development News is part 1 of two parts. It includes pointers to recent articles on KDE and more information about the new technology mentioned in the roadmap above (with some unintentional overlap). Part 2, when available, will contain the usual overviews from the mailing lists.


Midgard 1.2.4 released. Version 1.2.4 of the Midgard web development suite has been released and now supports multiple Midgard databases on a single Apache server.

Midgard Weekly Summary This week's Midgard Weekly Summary covers the release of Midgard 1.2.4, the latest stable release of this web application development suite, a Russian version of Midgard, and the second Midgard Workshop, to be held in January 2000 in Karlskrona, Sweden.


Slides from Jim Winstead's talk, "Introduction to PHP", at the Atlanta Linux Showcase have been posted. Note there is a warning on the site that the slides require Netscape for display.


YAMS (Yet Another Merchant System) Roadmap. The YAMS project has put up a roadmap for their planned development and is looking for public comment.


The Wine Weekly News. This week's Wine Weekly News mentions that Mainsoft, a commercial company that sells a proprietary competitor to winelib, will be porting its product to Linux.

The anonymous struct and unions patches have made it into the main CVS tree for gcc. This is heralded by the Wine community, since it will "greatly help porting existing Windows code with WineLib without having to change the code".


Zope Weekly News. The Zope Weekly News for October 27th is out. It includes pointers to a growing mass of community-developed documentation and products.

Section Editor: Liz Coolbaugh

October 28, 1999

Project Links
High Availability

More Information



Development tools


The Tiny Cobol Project released a new development snapshot on October 27th. Updates to the project news list seem to be happening quite frequently.


Tritonus 0.2. Version 0.2 of the tritonus library has been announced. The tritonus library is an implementation of the JavaSound API.

No updates on the Blackdown JDK port. The status pages on blackdown.org have not been changed since September. Apparently the progress made on the issue of native threads was not sufficient to shake loose the development process.


This week on p5p is a weekly summary of happenings on the perl5-porters development list, started last week as a feature on O'Reilly's new Perl.com site. Here is the inaugural issue from last week and this week's issue.

The reports are long and detailed. They are a welcome addition to other weekly reports and fill a needed gap. Have fun poking through them!

Tom Christiansen on Perl and Y2K. Tom has written an article on Perl and the Y2K issue which recently showed up in LinuxPlanet (but may have been written a while ago). "Remember this: if someone asks you to warrant that your software is free of year 2000 bugs, they're really just looking for an excuse to sue you if they misuse your software, even if it should happen to be their own fault. "

Perl and MySql. Perl News also pointed out The Perl You Need to Know: Part 7, which focuses on MySql. " Solid as MySQL is, it can be a tough nut to crack for starters; those without extensive summer days holed up inside a Unix box may find the supporting documentation a bit, well ... is there such a language as programmerese? "

Perl Trainers mailing list. A mailing list for people who train others in perl has been created.


The Python Consortium. Guido officially introduced the launch of the Python Consortium. Originally conceived of a year ago as a way to to further and promote Python and JPython development, the Consortium has two full members, Lawrence Livermore National Library and HP, and three associate members, Digital Creations, Interet Corporation and Foretec Seminars.

HP joins the Python Consortium. This note mentions the move, indicates that it is prompted by "the extensive use of Python in development of pilot applications for Espeak" and mentions that they've got positions open for experienced object-oriented developers who want to work with Python.

Python HOWTOs updated. Changes to the Python HOWTOs include the addition of HOWTOs on configuring your editor for writing Python code and Python advocacy,

O'Reilly interviews Guido. O'Reilly published an interview with Guido van Rossum. It crosses over a lot of topics, Python with Java, versus Javascript and the Computer Programming for Everybody project.

Python jobs. A Python Jobs Board has been started.


Dr. Dobbs' TCL-URL!. This week's Tcl-URL! is now available.

Section Editor: Liz Coolbaugh


 Main page
 Linux in the news
 Back page

See also: last week's Commerce page.

Linux and business

TurboLinux has launched TurboCluster Server with a flurry of deals. Announced as "the world's first software Linux clustering solution", TurboCluster is the focus of deals announced in press releases with: Compaq to support developers, Cubix to deliver an integrated solution to enterprise server farms, Giganet to include cLAN drivers to support virtual interface (VI) architecture and LinuxCare to ensure enterprise support.

This is a well orchestrated product launch combining Open Source and proprietary technology with solid commercial partnerships. TurboLinux has orchestrated the important components of a successful product launch focused on commercial needs: big name partners, developer support, user support, bundled hardware solutions and an emphasis on performance

LWN described the busy times at TurboLinux recently with a prediction of some big announcements when TurboCluster launched. In an interview for that article, TurboLinux North American Vice President Lonn Johnston claimed that the portions of their clustering solution which are currently proprietary will be released under an open source license after 6 to 9 months. Long enough to gain a market lead but quickly enough to nurture the Open Source model.

Melding Open Source and commercial practices to build businesses that support the community and realize financial success is still a relatively new business model. As funds from IPOs, outside investors and profitable operations provide more working capital we can expect to see lots of attempts to strike the right balance between all iterests. For a not-optimistic viewpoint on TurboLinux' efforts, check out this ComputerWorld article and the resultant Slashdot commentary. "TurboLinux's approach could put the compatibility of the different brands or ``distributions'' of Linux at risk, Weiss said. " However, not a lot of people are showing fear and consternation. The changes to the kernel are all under the GPL as well, they have to be.

TurboLinux is backed by investment from Intel Corp., August Capital and Broadview International, LLC.

Here is some more detail on TurboLinux's recent alliances.
  • The announcement from Giganet, Inc. about their strategic relationship with TurboLinux to package cLAN drivers with TurboLinux's TurboCluster Server.

  • The announcement about the alliance with Compaq Computer Corporation to support companies developing applications to run on TurboCluster Server.

  • This one is about the agreement with Cubix Corp. to bundle TurboCluster Server software in the company's Density Series servers for enterprise server farms.

  • and this one is about their agreement with Linuxcare Inc. to partner on enterprise support, services, training, and hardware certification and testing for TurboLinux software, including TurboCluster Server.

  • Finally, SCO allied themselves with TurboLinux following up its recent investment in LinuxMall with the announcement of a joint initiative with TurboLinux where SCO will provide consulting services to TurboLinux customers "in planning, cost analysis and deployment of their TurboLinux systems".

Press Releases:

    Products for Linux:

  • Boca Research, Inc. announced the BocaVision JNC205 Java Network Terminal, with a customized Linux operating system and a full implementation of Infomatec's Java Network Technology.

  • Entera, Inc. announced a RTSP/RTP (Real-Time Streaming Protocol/Real-Time Protocol) content streaming solution on Cobalt Networks new RaQ 3i Linux-based server appliance.

  • Intel announced the availability of a Linux driver for its gigabit ethernet adaptor. This driver is available in source form, with a very liberal license.

  • LinuxBerg announced the availability of the "Tower Theme" collection. They appear to be mostly WindowMaker themes, with some KDE and Enlightenment thrown in as well.

  • Macmillan USA dominated the Linux retail software sales in August for the second consecutive month, according to figures from PC Data.

  • Mission Critical Linux LLC announced the first of three foundation tools that will support its technical services for the Linux platform.

  • ON Channel Inc., a developer of embedded Linux software for consumer Internet access devices and the embedded industrial market, announced it has begun integrating and customizing its OS 2000 embedded Linux software for specific consumer solutions.

  • ParaSoft announced the latest version of their automatic runtime error detection tool, Insure++ v5.1 for Red Hat Linux.

  • Progressive Systems, Inc. announced that its Phoenix Adaptive Firewall has received certification from the International Computer Security Association ("ICSA"). The Phoenix supports Caldera, Red Hat,TurboLinux, and S.u.S.E. Linux distributions.

  • Rt-Control of Toronto announced the release of the uCsimm Embedded Microcontroller Linux platform.

  • Trend Micro, Inc. announced InterScan VirusWall 3.01 for Red Hat Linux 6.0.


  • Cobalt Networks, Inc. introduced the RaQ 3i, Cobalt's third-generation server appliance which comes pre-configured with Linux.

  • Compaq Computer Europe, Middle East and Africa announced its new Linux thin client product, the Compaq T1500.

  • ON Channel announced that it will start shipping its embedded Linux system this quarter.

  • StarBox Netsystems introduced the iBox, an ultra-thin rackmount server, using the Intel Pentium III processor. StarBox delivers the servers with Linux, NT or Solaris preinstalled.

  • TruSOLUTIONS announced "the world's smallest rackmount Pentium III server" which fits into a 1U slot. It can come with either Red Hat or TurboLinux installed.

    Also comes in Linux:

  • Atypon Systems Inc. announced the release of a redesigned version of IDEAL, the new online publishing platform of Academic Press.

  • BiT Microsystems, Inc. announced the availability of E-Disk SUX35, an Ultra SCSI (8-bit) solid state flash disk.

  • Computing Associates announced that Linda, its parallel and distributed computing development tools, are now available for Alpha/ Linux.

  • Data Fellows Corporation announced F-Secure Anti-Virus for Linux.

  • Etnus announced that a Linux version of its application debugger, TotalView, will be released early next year.

  • Excalibur Technologies Corporation announced Excalibur RetrievalWare WebExpress 2.0.

  • GraphOn Corporation announced it is repositioning and renaming its family of server-based, Web-enabling software.

  • Hewlett-Packard Company announced the HP ProCurve Networking strategy.

  • This press release from Lotus covers several announcements. The interesting one is several paragraphs down and says, "Lotus also announced the imminent availability of Domino Release 5 for Linux which will deliver Domino's capabilities on the rapidly growing Linux operating system."

  • O'Reilly & Associates announced the publication of the "JavaScript Application Cookbook" by Jerry Bradenbaugh.

  • PowerQuest Corporation announced the release of PartitionMagic 5.0.

  • Pulsecom announced that its integrated, user-initiated, standards-based service selection capability, Dynamic Connect, now supports Linux.

  • REBOL Technologies announced REBOL/Core 2.1, a platform independent Internet communications language, is now available with the Red Hat Linux 6.1 Application CD.

  • ServInt Internet Services announced the new arrival of ServInt Custom Built Servers, fully customized dedicated servers. Various options are available, including customized Linux servers.

  • Sybase, Inc. announced it has a deal with the US Department of Defense (DOD). The first delivery order is for Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE). Sybase will offer ASE on NT, UNIX and Linux.

  • TakeFive Software announced SNiFF+ version 3.2, a source code engineering solution.

  • Verity, Inc. announced support for the Red Hat Linux platform.

  • Zero G Software announced the availability of InstallAnywhere Enterprise Edition.

    Partnerships, Investments and Acquisitions:

  • Alpha Processor, Inc., (API) launched its strategic partner program to bring high-performance Alpha applications to enterprise customers worldwide. To expand the number of applications for Alpha, the program is focused on low to mid range server and performance workstations running Alpha Linux.

  • [Tux case] BeComputing announced that it has acquired Ornaco Technologies and that it intends to "become a leader in Linux solutions." They also announced an Athlon-based system. See also the cute "Tux Case" on their web site.

  • Ensim Corporation announced that VA Linux Systems, Inc. is a charter member of Ensim's ServerXchange Partner Programs.

  • internet.com announced that it has acquired LinuxCentral.com.

  • Internet Direct selected SiteAssure Suite by Platform Computing to monitor and ensure the availability of the organization's Linux powered Web hosting service, iDirectHosting.com.

  • Linuxcare, Inc. reached an agreement with NEC Software, the 3800-person Systems Integration arm of NEC, to provide in-depth Linux technical support for NES developers engaged in building Linux-based solutions.

  • Magic Software Enterprises announced that it has exercised its option to purchase the remaining 20% of Magic Software Japan.

  • nStor Corporation announced that VA Linux Systems has entered into an agreement to market nStor's new scalable and flexible RAID-Ready NexStor 8Le/LJ storage system with VA's Linux servers and workstations.

  • Red Hat, Inc. announced that Intel Corporation will bundle the Red Hat Linux operating system with Intel's server platforms the company markets through its recently created Internet Service Provider program.

  • SuSE announced an agreement with IBM to distribute, market and support selected IBM e-business software solutions for the Linux platform.

    More Third Quarter Reports:

  • Adaptec, Inc.

  • Brooktrout, Inc.

  • Business Evolution Inc.

  • Compaq Computer Corporation

  • eSoft Inc.

  • Informix Corporation

  • Insignia Solutions

  • Magic Software Enterprises, Ltd.

  • MSC.Software Corporation

  • Pervasive Software Inc.

  • SCO

  • Vixel Corporation

  • Webb Interactive Services, Inc.

  • White Pine Software, Inc.


  • Covalent Technologies, a supplier of commercial software for the Apache Web Server platform, announced the availability of several commercial support options for the Apache Web server.

  • A delegation of European industry leaders sponsored by the Eurolinux Alliance corporate members met with representatives of the European Commission to share views about a possible modification of the article 52.2 of the Munchen Convention that would allow software patents in Europe.

  • HotDispatch, Inc. introduced www.hotdispatch.com, the marketplace for web-deliverable technical services, designed to meet the needs of Java and Linux programmers.

  • Linuxcare Inc. announced that Regis McKenna has been appointed to its board of directors.

  • Mission Critical Linux LLC announced the addition of a senior IT executive as Vice President of Sales. The position will be filled initially by Paul Guyette.

  • NETmachines Inc. announced that the company wants to bring a new level of Linux-based server appliances to ISPs, small and medium sized businesses and vertical markets, such as education and healthcare.

  • SuSE opened an additional office in the Greater London area.

Section Editor: Dennis Tenney.

October 28, 1999


 Main page
 Linux in the news
 Back page

See also: last week's Linux in the news page.

Linux in the news

Recommended Reading:

This October interview with Jon "maddog" Hall ranges over a bunch of topics, but also mentions what he got out of speaking at a recent IBM Linux summit in Austin, Texas, USA. "What did I get out of it? I was particularly struck by the bullet on the slide that said something along the lines of "software inside IBM would now be considered to be Open Source unless there was some reason to make it closed." This was an awesome statement, more powerful than a lot of people might realize, and I used it at a meeting of scientists at Brookhaven National Labs the next week." (Thanks to Christof Damian)

Inspired By Work is an article in November's issue of Fast Company featuring Eric Raymond. This is probably the start of a press blitz on Eric, to highlight attention on his new book. However, the focus of the article does remain on open source, not Eric. "One of the most powerful features of the open-source model is its capacity to hold down global complexity. The structure of work and communication in the hacker community is decentralized and distributed. Also, many different groups of people are working on many different software modules, each of which is relatively small and simple, and all of which have to be compatible in the end. That's a good way to write software." (Thanks to Evelyn Mitchell)

Alan Cox writes about the risks of closed-source computing in this osOpinion piece. "No company now would commit to a closed hardware strategy. It would cost them more than using commodity components. Just as importantly, it would commit them to a single source for support and parts. Why then do they commit to a single software supplier? A closed source strategy exposes the company to serious business risk. As many telephony companies have discovered, your OS supplier might suddenly decide to be your competitor."

Richard Brandt at UpsideToday.com has been following and reporting on Sun's recent moves with regards to Linux for a while. The latest indepth article takes a look at the Sun Community Source License (SCSL), with feedback from Sun's Bill Joy and comments from Eric Raymond and Richard Stallman. It is a long, but worth reading, article. The debate clearly wasn't settled and people seem unlikely to budge. "After considering the views of some people who actually know what they are talking about, including Joy's, I have changed my opinion a bit. Sun does "get" the open source movement. It is simply unwilling to embrace it. "

Open Source:

The Open Source mystique, written by Art Whitmann, takes a look at open source and then tells Microsoft, Sun and Apple to learn the real lesson: "So my advice is simple. Sun, Netscape, Apple, Microsoft: Forget about opening up your source code. No one gives a damn about seeing how your applications were built. You won't even offer any assurances that modifications made to any particular version or source code will even be possible in the next version, so why bother? Instead, take the time to talk to the people who love Open Source and figure out why they do. You aren't close enough to the users in the trenches and you certainly aren't responsive enough to their needs. That's why the vast majority love Open Source."

A second article on the role of academia in open source was recently published by The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle is a subscription only site, so we can't provide a URL for the article on-line. However, we can quote a few relevant paragraphs:

In the realm of software, only open-source tools make their underpinnings readable. In many ways, only open-source software fits philosophically with the fundamentals of scholarship.


If our graduates are predominantly trained in open-source tools, the world's open-source library will grow and improve. If every grant from the National Science Foundation presumes that the resulting programs will be open source (unless a case is made against doing so), better resources will be developed. As our university programmers develop open-source solutions to common problems (such as developing the underpinnings for a data base of sound clips, or a self-teaching spell-checker, or a content-mining software agent), then other people at other institutions can see how it was done, be saved the expense of reinventing the wheel, perhaps improve the code, and help to create at least a slightly improved world.

The San Francisco Chronicle reports on Red Hat's upcoming Linux news site, called "Wide Open," which will debut sometime next month. "[Chief editor] Mitchell and Red Hat say the site -- to debut early next month at www.wideopen.com -- will be an independent look at all things open source. If that means writing something flattering about a Red Hat competitor, or negative about Red Hat, so be it."

Reviews and Interviews:

LinuxPlanet has a review of "The No B.S. Guide To Red Hat Linux". "This book will, of course, age quickly. It's full of references to Linux applications that are currently state of the art, so in a year's time it won't be as great a guide.

But if you need to convert to Redhat 6 now, rush out and buy! "

The latest in sendmail.net's flurry of interviews is this one with Kirk McKusick. "The way it was characterized politically, you had copyright, which is what the big companies use to lock everything up; you had copyleft, which is free software's way of making sure they can't lock it up; and then Berkeley had what we called 'copycenter,' which is 'take it down to the copy center and make as many copies as you want.' You want to go off and do proprietary things with it? Fine, you can do that."


Mike Gerdts pointed out this article and, in particular, the quote, ""Gateway needs a service provider for low-cost Internet appliances, and AOL's confidence in Gateway, given the other PC makers they could've invested in," is probably due to whatever technology Amiga is developing, surmised Richard Doherty, president of consulting firm Envisioneering Group." Remember, Mike mentioned, the new Amiga is supposed to be running Linux ...

This article in Computer Reseller News claims that Lotus will release Notes for Linux in November. "After initially snubbing the open-source-code operating system, Lotus President Jeff Papows said last January that the Cambridge-based company would ship a Linux version of the groupware/messaging system by year's end. This week's announcement at Lotusphere Berlin, and availability of the software next month, make good on that pledge."

LinuxValley covers (in Italian) the presence of Linux at the huge SMAU technical conference in Milan, Italy. "Sicuramente la presenza di maggiore impatto 'scenografico' e stata quella di Red Hat Italia, con uno stand accattivamente, colorato, ricco di materiale pubblicitario (compresi i palloncini rossi e bianchi, che i meno distratti avranno potuto notare in giro per tutta la fiera)." ("Certainly the presence with the most 'scenic' impact was that of Red Hat Italia with an attention-grabbing, colored booth rich with publicity materials (including red and white balloons, which the more attentive will have noticed all around the event" - editor's translation). English text (sort of) available via Babelfish.

Here's a Reuters article on Corel's stock price swings. "'The Linux sector was dead as a doornail for a while and it's coming back fairly strong today,' [fund manager] Stewart said."


AboutLinux.com has published Mailbag #4. Mailbags are a collection of letters from readers and responses, cataloguing people's experience with Linux, their successes and their problems.

Salon Magazine reports on the University of Michigan study. "It can't be very much longer before free-software hackers start regretting how high their media profile has become in these open-source software crazed days. How are they supposed to get any work done?"

Here is a well-considered opinion (read sarcasm here) on Linux in Windows NT Magazine. "Finally, even if the software were free, I wouldn't revert from Windows 98 to DOS, so I can't imagine why Windows NT users would want to switch to Linux. This way of thinking is like saying, 'The latest, most advanced stone-age flint chips ever sold. Trade your gas furnace for one today!' I'm sure I'll see where Linux actually performs once I get it installed, but I doubt I'll find anything interesting or new." (Thanks to Joerg Danne).

The Straw Man behind the Straw Poll takes a look at the recent resurgence in "slightly hazy, non-rigorous reportage and un-checked, un-verifiable opinion pieces". What's behind them? "In short, that the detractors are often clutching at straws, and that there are less and less issues of substance which can be invoked against Linux and Open Source. We can be comfortable (but not smug) in the knowledge that if this is the best that the competitors of the platform can muster, by way of obfuscation or FUD, we are slowly but surely pulling ahead. Let's keep at this in a steady, reasoned and confident manner. "

Section Editor: Rebecca Sobol

October 28, 1999


 Main page
 Linux in the news
 Back page

See also: last week's Announcements page.



Michael Hammel at The Graphics Muse sent us an announcement of new features on the site, including "backend and MyNetscape support, updates Q and A and Reader Mail sections".

David Lloyd has followed up his recent creation of a Linux C mailing list with the creation of a Linux C++ mailing list. Of course, other resources, such as comp.lang.c++, are also available.

LinuxLinks.com has announced the Linux Package Guide, a freely available database of packages available in Red Hat, Debian, Caldera and SuSE.


Linux India, the organization of Linux LUGS in India, will be hosting a Linux Pavilion at Bangalore IT.COM '99 in Bangalore, India, November 1st through the 5th. Check their press release for more details.

Those of you who are going to be at SuperComputing '99 next month will want to pencil in the Beowulf Extreme Bash, happening on November 15.

Web sites

Web sites for Children. Martin Skjöldebrand dropped us a note to mention that he has put up a website, called Children's Linux, on which to record Linux applications suitable for children. He's only got one entry up there now and there must be more ... Send him a note if you have suggestions.

Note that LinuxForKids is another web site that was announced a while ago that is also trying to centralize information on software for Linux for children. The author of that site has dropped Martin a note, so hopefully they can get together to collaborate.

Another place to look for similar information is seul-edu, the educational project partnered with Simple End User Linux (SEUL).

October 28, 1999



Software Announcements

Package Version Description
4DOM 0.8.2 A CORBA-aware implementation of the W3C's Document Object Model in Python
AbiWord 0.7.6 Fully featured word processor
acro 2.1.02 Random character-sequence generator
ALSA driver 0.4.1d An alternative implementation of Kernel sound support
Amaya 2.2 Ttest-bed browser/authoring tool of the W3C
Apache JServ 1.1b3 Java servlet engine
Appletalk Configurator 1.2 GTK+ GUI for Netatalk package
asDrinks 1.9.4 News headlines from nerd/UNIX type sites in your AfterStep startmenu
asfatm 0.75b Hardware monitoring wharf/dock app
atsar 1.5 system activity report
AutoCD 1.0.0 Autostarts audio/data/mixed CDs when they're inserted.
AutoConvert 0.3.2 Chinese GB/HZ/BIG5 encoding auto convert
Automatic Todo List 1.2 To-do list program for bash
BibleReader 0.1.1 Bible browsing program using Gtk
Big Ben 0.1 Spiffy themed clock
bip 1.3.4 Send messages to pagers using the Internet
bk2site 0.9.0 Transforms Netscape bookmark file into yahoo-like website.
Brain 0.5.1 Prototype based, object-oriented scripting language
C2HTML 0.1.6 Makes HTML files that show the souce code of a program
Cabinet Library 0.30 Portable Cabinet Library and Utilities
Calculator 0.8.9B Simple Command Line Calculator
CAMP 1.4.2835 Console Interface for command-line MP3 players
camserv 0.20 Streaming webcam server for Video4Linux with filters.
Carrito 0.3.3 It's a console game, it can be played via internet.
ccirc 0.82.7a An irc client written in shell scripts and telnet.
CD-ROM Control for Linux 2 CD-Rom control panel
CDPlayer.app 1.5 CD player with CDDB support.
centerICQ 1.10.7 a textmode-based ICQ clone for Linux
CMC 0.3.1 Chaos Mail Checker
Cohesion 1.01 Java-based Plugable Application Framework, including Modelling Plugin and others
Common UNIX Printing System 1.0.1 Internet Printing System for UNIX
Configure-it 1.1 Perl script to configure bash aliases
cowsay 3.0 An easy way to add speaking and thinking cows to anything.
Cryptix 3.1.1 Strong cryptography for Java
Cryptix SASL alpha1 Implementation of the SASL Java language bindings and some SASL mechanisms.
curl 6.2 Command line tool for getting data from a URL
dagrab 3.3.3 Extracts digital audio from CD and stores it in WAV files (incl CDDB)
DBIx::CGI 0.05 Easy to Use DBI Interface for CGI Scripts
DDUpdate 1.6 A cross-platform update client for dyndns.org's DynamicDNS Service
demcd 2.1.1 CDPlayer for Linux
Dieresis Newsboy 1.0.5 Web-Based News and Announcements Publishing Perl Script
dips 0.0.1b Distributed IP simulator
Disc-Cover 0.9.3 Generate covers for audio cds non-interactively using cddb
DNRD 2.1 Proxy DNS server for home networks with multiple ISPs
Doom Sysadmin .60 Remote Windows System Administration Tool with Doom Front End.
dopewars 1.4.5 Drug dealing game set in New York
dosfw 0.1 Denial-of-Service firewall for Linux/netfilter
dproxy 0.1 Caching DNS proxy
DPS-FTP 0.5.4 Bulletproof-like ftp client
Drall 0.15.1 Allows users to access their directories and files remotely via a web browser
Dual Protocol File Server 2.0beta1 Hybrid FTP/HTTP file server
DWUN 0.4 Controls PPP link by client requests for connection
DynamicJava 1.0beta5 Java source interpreter
E-Grail 2.0 Server-side Web Content Management Software
e2fsprogs 1.17 Ext2 Filesystem Utilities
Easy TcpIp library 0.2 TCP/IP developer library
Eddie 1.3.2 Robust, clustering, load balancing, high availability, web server tool.
elknews 0.1.7 Usenet Newsreader
ELSA 1_0b-016 RTSP/RTP Streaming Media Server
eMixer 0.05.2 MP3 Mixing Software
Energymech 2.7.0 Bot for irc with eggdrop like features to manage a channel
EnRus dictionary tools 1.0pre Tcl/Tk scripts for manipulating textual (plain or gzipped) dictionary base.
Epeios 19991024 Collection of general purposes C++ libraries working under UNIX and Windows.
Ethereal 0.7.6 GUI network protocol analyzer
eud2mbox 1.1 Eudora Mailbox (.mbx) to standard mbox converter
Euphoria Programming Language 2.2 Beta Simple, flexible, powerful programming language for Linux, DOS and Windows
evilwm 0.2.7 Yet Another 9wm-based Window Manager
Exmh 2.1.1 An X user interface for MH mail
eXtace 1.2.9 ESD FFT visual plugin, eye-candy
Eye of Gnome 0.2 The GNOME image viewing and cataloging program
farsh 1.0.0 Find and Run shell
fbgetty 0.1.4 An extended mingetty for Linux
Filesystems HOWTO 0.7 HOWTO about filesystems and accessing filesystems from several OSes.
Flash Mount Menu 1.0 Automounter/umounter
Flight Gear 0.7.1 Flight simulator
Flowersol 1.00 Oonsoo and other flower card games for PySol
FreeAmp 2.0 beta 2 Open Source MP3 player
FreeMarker 1.5 HTML templating system for Java servlets
freemed 19991021 Free medical management software in a web browser
FreeWRL 0.21-alpha2 Free VRML browser for Linux
Frotz 2.32 release 1 A Portable Z-Machine Interpreter
FSViewer 0.2.3 File Viewer lookalike for Window Maker.
ftpcheck 0.32 Searches for anonymous ftp sites on given nodes/networks
FvwmKb 0.3.2 Fvwm module for comfortable work with several keyboard layouts
FWT 1.2.6 Web based configuration tool for ipchains and more
Gaby 1.9.14 A small personal databases manager using GTK+
gbox_applet 0.2 mbox watcher
gcc 2.95.2
GdkMagick 0.5 Image conversion and communication library for the ImageMagick and GDK toolkits
gEdit 0.5.5 GTK+ based text editor
Generic Colouriser 0.2 Colourises any files or outputs of commands.
Gentry 0.1.3 GTK application for data entry into a MySQL database
Getent 1.1.0 passwd/group/services lookup utilities
ggitv 0.0.8 TV-application on ggi
gif2png 1.2.1 converts GIF image files to PNG format
GIMP Imagemap plug-in 1.3 GIMP plug-in for creation of clickable imagemaps.
Glimpse 4.12.5 Indexing and querying system
gmail 0.4.6 Gmail is an experiment in an sql vfolder-based email system.
GNOME QuickRes Applet 1.0.1 GNOME panel applet to change the X11 video mode
Gnome Toaster 10-21-1999 create CDRs the easy way with Gnome/Gtk
gnome-pilot 0.1.40 Palm Pilot integration for GNOME
gnotepad+ 1.2.0pre2 An easy-to-use, yet fairly feature-rich, simple text editor
GNU cfengine 1.5.3 A tool for administering Networks of Diverse Machines
GNU parted 0.0.8 A partition editor, for creating, destroying, resizing and copying partitions.
GNU Pth 1.2b8 GNU Portable Threads
GNU Sather 1.2.0 Object Oriented Programming Language
GProc 0.5.0-pre1 Managing process from the Gnome panel
Grace 5.0.5 (gamma) a WYSIWYG 2D plotting tool
GRASS 5.0beta4 Public Domain GIS software
gTans 0.1 Tangram puzzle game
Gtk-- 1.1.2 C++ interface for the popular GUI library gtk.
GtkExText 0.0.10
GtkShadow 0.3 web-oriented graphic tool
GTKtalog 0.08 Fast Disk Catalog using a friendly interface.
GtkTiLink 0.21_1.81_devel A TI calculators <-> PC communication program using a GTK interface
gxsnmp 0.0.15 snmp managment frontend
Helpdesk 5.1 An SQL based job tracking system with a web fronted.
Heretic for Linux 1.0.1 Port of Heretic to Linux
htsserver 0.5.1 Server application of the multiplayer trading game Holsham Traders
httpmanage 0.3 PHP3 tool that provides functions to manage two versions of HTML files
icewm 0.9.49 Window Manager designed for speed, usability and consistency
ICI 2.1.3 A dynamic, interpretive language with C-like syntax
ICRADIUS 0.10 Powerful cross platform radius server
ifhp 3.3.10 A Great Printfilter for HP printers
imlib 1.9.8 Advanced replacement library for libraries like libXpm
infobot 0.44.3 Pseudo-AI IRC bot written in Perl
International Kernel Patch Collection of internationally developed crypto for the Linux kernel
IPAD 0.10.00 Intelligent vector drawing package
isapnptools 1.19 ISA plug and play configuration utility
jEdit 2.1final Powerful text editor
jftpgw 0.0.2 small ftp proxy
jwhois 2.2 A collection of Perl programs for the whois service
Jzip 2.0.2 beta Infocom z-code adventure game interpreter
kaffe 1.0b5 Complete, PersonalJava 1.1 compliant Java environment
Kapm 0.3.1 An APM-BIOS monitor for the KDE desktop.
Katy 0.1 Text editor inspired by UltraEdit
Kazlib 1.12 Robust ANSI C data structure library.
KBriefcase 0.01 Briefcase for KDE similar to Windows briefcase.
KCommander 0.50 Windows Commander Clone for KDE
KDevelop 1.0Beta4 KDevelop is a new C++ development environment for Unix/X11.
kdiald 0.1beta1 KDE interface to diald and pppd
kernel configurator 1.0 Tool to help building Linux kernel
knetstart 0.5 Simple Ethernet card setup with network map
KNode 0.1.8 Online-newsreader for KDE
Komba 0.2.1 Samba share browser
kTFXshell 2.3 KDE frontend for tfmx-play
ku 1.1BETA4 A utmp based shell admin utility for maintaining shell logins.
LANdb 0.72 Provides network managers with a means of cataloging network connections.
Latte 2.1 Better web authoring language
Lazy Solitaire 0.3 Solitaire card game for lazy people
Leech 0.25 Recursive download automation tool
lftp 2.1.4 Sophisticated command line based FTP client
libGLobs 0.2.6 A set of C++ OpenGL object manipulation classes
libmcrypt 2.2.4 A library to access various encryption algorithms
libmikmod 3.1.8 Full-featured sound library
Libsigc++ 0.8.5 Callback framework for C++
libtcp++ 0.0.4 C++ class library to create TCP/IP clients/servers
libxmi 1.1.1 2-D rasterization library
Linux Memory Technology Device project 19991025 Support for Flash and RAM devices under Linux
logcolorise 1.0.7 Ssyslog log colourising PERL script
logController 0.4 Console-log size controller
lold 0.1.15 The LameOver Linux Demo Project
LPRng 3.6.11 The Next Generation of LPR
maildrop 0.74 maildrop mail filter/mail delivery agent
makeself 1.3 Script to create self-extractable gzipped tar archives
MasqMail 0.0.8 Offline Mail Transfer Agent
MaxiWeb 1.3.1 C++ ASP compiler and embedded web server for Linux and Win32
Metagroup 0.0 Utility which adds hierarchical structure to Linux groups.
Mexx 1.0.3 Shoot'em up for Linux/Win32/BeOS
mfm 1.1 A graphical frontend for mtools
mhash 0.6.1 Provides an easy to use C interface for several hashalgorithms
Midgard 1.2.4 A PHP Application Server Suite - Web building with Web-based tools
Midnight Commander 4.5.40 Unix file manager and shell
MindTerm 1.1.1 SSH-client in pure Java, includes stand-alone ssh- and terminal(vt100)-packages
mll2html 1.1.0 Reformats mailinglists file to a HTML file.
mod_jive ALPHA-3 Automatic jiving of static HTML as an apache module
mod_ssl 2.4.6 Apache Interface to OpenSSL
Mp3 Commander 0.2 A tool to search and play mp3 collections and generate playlists
mp3d 0.2.2 Client-server MP3-player
MRTd 2.0.1a Routing protocol daemon (BGP, RIP, OSPF) and tools
MSWordView 0.5.38 Microsoft Word 8 document viewer
Mutt 1.0 Small but very powerful text-based mail client for Unix operatingsystems
MyODBC 2.50.27 ODBC for MySQL
ncps 0.46 ncurses based process killer
NeoStats 1.1.2 IRC Statistical Services
Net::RawIP 0.09 Perl module for easy manipulation of raw IP packets directly from Perl
NetHirc 0.04 Nethack-inspired IRC client
Network UPS Tools 0.42-pre1 Multiple vendor (APC, Powercom) UPS monitoring software
NFTP 1.60 Powerful, full-featured FTP client
ngrep 1.35 network grep
Nightfall 0.16 Eclipsing binary star program
NSBD 1.3 patchlevel 1999/10/22 Not-So-Bad Distribution (automated free software distribution)
nullmailer 0.39 A simple to configure relay-only MTA.
nwfiir 0 HiFi quality digital equalizer
ODBC-ODBC Bridge Provides ODBC access from Unix to remote ODBC data sources
omega Implementation and extension of the M-Technology (MUMPS) standards
OpenMap 3.3.4 JavaBeans tool kit for building applications/applets with maps
OpenNaken 0.60 Tcl/Tk client for Naken Chat
OpenSSH Linux Port 1.0pre2 Port of OpenBSD's free SSH release to Linux
OpenVerse Visual Chat 0.6-4 Free Multiplatform Visual Chat software written in Tcl/TK
openWAP 0.0.0 WAP GNU Open Source Project
pcmcia-cs 3.1.3 Card Services for Linux is a complete PCMCIA or ``PC Card'' support package.
Perl Composer 0.3p1 Perl/Gtk integrated visual programming environment
pftp 1.1.1 A tool for IPv4, IPv6, TCP, UDP data transfer.
Phantom Cipher 1.1 Symmetric block cipher reference implementation.
Phorum 3.0.7 Phorum is a web based discussion software written in PHP
php-LugMembers 1.0 Interface to access a members database written in php3/MySql
PHPLIB 7.2 Web Application Development Package for the PHP language
Picview 0.3 Thumbnail preview, image viewer and slideshow program for Gnome.
PIKT 1.7.0 An innovative new systems administration paradigm
pinfo 0.5.8 Hypertext info file viewer
pingirva 0.1.b2 GTK+ interface for the ping command.
pk 0.9.2 An Open-Source POSIX Threads embedded real-time kernel
ploticus 1.3 data display engine
Pocket Frog 0.1a (Keroyon) Green Frog Linux for the Mobile Gear
PowerPak 991023 An attempt at a high-level game SDK
Powertweak-Linux 0.1.4 System performance enhancer.
pppsum 0.4 A PPP daemon log analyzer
ppptime 0.9 Prints out the time a ppp connection has been active
Prism Metaprogramming Tool v1.0.0a3:3 Tool for creating interoperable metaprograms (compilers, parsers, etc.)
ProFTPD 1.2.0pre9 Advanced, incrediblyconfigurable and secure FTP daemon
PTlink Services 1.4.0 IRC Registration Services
QCad 1.2.0 CAD Program
qmHandle 0.4.1 A tool to manage the qmail message queue
qpasswd 1.0 POP3 password changing utility for qmail+poppasswd
QtEZ 0.82.5 Qt based rapid application development environment
Quicktime for Linux 1.1.5 Low level Quicktime library for *NIX
Rabid Squirrel Linux 0.1 A Linux distribution for power users and sysadmins
Raceway 0.6 Embedded interface for ZENamp
Ramp Music Player 0.7 A front end to mpg123 with next-generation playlist capabilities
Record Management 0.7beta2 Program to manage large sound carrier archives (LPs, CDs, MP3s, singles, ...).
ResCafé 1.0 Mac Resource Fork reader written in Swing Java
RFCutil 2.0 fast util to search the rfc-index for a topic and display it with lynx
Ricochet 0.92 Automated Agent for Tracing and Reporting Internet Junk eMail.
ROCK Linux 1.3.4 Linux Distribution for high skilled Linux User and Admins
Rocks'n'Diamonds 1.4.0 Arcade style Boulderdash/EmeraldMine clone for X11 with stereo sounds
Rodian 0.6.0 Layer for handling, representing and storing information objects in a tree
Root-Portal 0.3.1 Background Desktop System Logger
RSS Maker 1.0 Perl-based RSS file creator & maintence tool
SAUCE 0.5.0 ALPHA Paranoid anti-spam mailserver
sawmill 0.14 Extensible window manager
ScryMUD 2.0.6 Original MUD Server and Java Client
SCWM Scheme Constraints Window Manager
Secure FTP 0.1 FTP replacement over ssh/rsh
Sendmail 8.10.0.Beta6 Powerful and flexible Mail Transport Agent
Setedit 0.4.39 An editor for C/C++ programmers with a nice text interface.
setup.sh 0.1 Package management aware source code installation script
SLiRP 1.0.8 SLIP/PPP emulator over shell/telnet/ssh/etc.
Spruce 0.5.6 Simple email client coded for X with the Gtk widget set
squishdot 0.3.2 Zope-based weblog (Slashdot-like forum)
star trek ency reader 0.7.1 Reads the star trek encyclopedia under linux
sysinfo.sh .1 A bash script to gather system specs
syslog-ng 1.2.0 A portable syslogd replacement with enhanced, flexible configuration scheme.
System Info 0.8 System Information Perl Script
tailbeep 0.43 Watches an open file for a string and beeps the console if it sees it.
TAPIIR 0.2.3 Multi-tap-delay audio effect processor
TCFS 2.2.3 Transparent Cryptographic File System
Test Environment Toolkit 3.3c A toolkit for test development and management
TeXmacs 0.2.3 (beta) W.Y.S.I.W.Y.G. technical text editor
The Linux Console Tools 0.2.3 Allows you to set-up and manipulate theLinux console
tinc 0.3.1 Virtual private network daemon
TinySID 0.92 A small C64 SID music player featuring X11 (50kb) and console (10kb)
tkMOO-light 0.3.21 Powerful cross-platform chat client.
tksqlbind 0.1 tksqlbind is a perl script that will edit sqlbind zones
TkZip 1.0.15 X front end to standard archiving/compression programs
Turbo Vision 1.0.9 Nice and complete console TUI (Text User Interface) for C++
TurboCluster Server 4.0B7 High availability load-balancer for IP applications, works w/ heterogeneous nets
TWIG 2.0.0 A web-based IMAP client written with PHP3
txt2pdf 2.4 A very flexible and powerful PERL5 converter from text files to PDF
UAE 0.8.10 Software emulation of the hardware of theCommodore Amiga 500/1000/2000
Unreal Tournament demo 348 Unreal Tournament demo (client/server)
uptimer 1 Adds the current uptime to your .sig file
USBView 0.4.0 USB device and topology viewer
UxFeR 2.1 External X/Y/Z BBS File Transfer Protocols [front-end]
Virtual X68000 X68000 emulator
vpnstarter 0.pre2.0 (build 40) A light-weight VPN suite with keep-alive utilities using free software.
vux 0.0.7 Highly configurable logging system. (CGI)
WebCal 2.0 A simple browser based calendar program.
WebEvent 3.2b2 WebEvent is web calendar software for your web site.
webfs 0.6 Lightweight HTTP server for static content
WebGlimpse 1.7.6 Adds search capabilities to WWW site automatically and easily
WebRun 1.13 Simple Java application distribution tool
weedlog 1.0.0-pre1 A packet logger to help debug network connections.
WEEDS 2 Java application that converts XML files describing plants into an HTML flora
windsock 0.1.0 SOCKS4/5 server in Java
Winie 1.0.1 HTTP/1.1 Put Tool
WipeOut 1.5.4 IDE for C++, Java, Eiffel, and Fortran
wmdctrl 0.4.0 diald control application for windowmaker dock
wmfire fire in a window maker dock applet
wmpinboard 0.10 Window Maker pinboard dock-app
WRMF-PGM 1.0.7 Reliable Multicast Protocol framework and Cisco PGM implementation
Wroonian 0.6.0 A script which will help you create and maintain knowledge, information and FAQs
wsmake 0.5.7 Website make tool written in C++
WWWdb 0.0.3 Database-access over HTTP with consistency-check
X-Chat 1.3.5 GTK+ Based IRC Client. Alot like AmIRC (Amiga).
X-Tract 1.0 Build 404 XML Script processor
XCuteALL 0.1 File finder for X
XEBOT 0.5.00 Visual GUI application builder and self contained execution environment
Xenon 0.6.4 A simple X-based text editor
XFMail 1.4.0 Email client for X11 based on XForms
Xmerge redhog.4.1 Xmerge merges two windows, creating a new window, with two
XMMS VQF Plugin 0.1 VQF Plugin for XMMS
XMovie 1.1.0 Play Quicktime movies in stereo
Xplanet 0.41 An Xearth wannabe
XShipWars 1.20 Space oriented highly graphical network game system.
Xwhois 0.3.9 Small and fast GTK+ X11 client for the internet whois network services.
ZAngband 2.3.1 Rogue-like roleplaying game
Zebedee 1.0.1 Encrypting, compressing TCP/IP tunnel
Zebra 0.80 Route Server and Route Reflector daemon
ZENamp 1.1(alpha) Embedded MP3 audio engine
ZMech 1.1.00 State machine development tool



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See also: last week's Back page page.

Linux links of the week

OpenDesk.com comes on-line. OpenDesk.com burst onto the scene with quite a bit of hype. Imagine our surprise when we found substance behind the pre-announcements. For free, they offer you secured access to your own workspace, on which you can create documents, send mail, update your calendar, keep a contact management database and more, all accessible from anywhere on the Internet as long as you have access to a browser. In addition, you can join other people's workspaces or allow them to join yours.

So what's the catch? Nothing. Well, the workspace has an area below with space for an ad banner that you can't make go away. In general, though, OpenDesk.com plans on making its money off of consulting work and add-on services, so the workspace they provided is truly free. And it is all based on open source software: Apache, mod_perl, perl, mysql, Linux and SmartWorker, a web application development platform. Worth checking out.

Section Editor: Jon Corbet

October 28, 1999



Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor should be sent to letters@lwn.net. Preference will be given to letters which are short, to the point, and well written. If you want your email address "anti-spammed" in some way please be sure to let us know. We do not have a policy against anonymous letters, but we will be reluctant to include them.
Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 17:21:30 +0530
From: Anand Srivastava <anand@aplion.stpn.soft.net>
To: aokrongly@galacticmarketing.com
CC: letters@lwn.net, r2online@winntmag.com
Subject: Thank You Microsoft

Hi Anthony,

I think the problem here is that you have no idea whatsoever of Unix.
The frustration would be similar if you were to give a CD to a person
who had not ever seen a computer. Or may be used only the terminal based
applications of the VMS type OSs. There is a huge generational gap.
There are some differences between Linux and NT, those should be
understood before going into Linux. I believe you should have got a
Linux pre-installed box. I also expect that you were trying to install
dual boot system.

Linux has its root in Unix. Unix is a very cleanly designed OS. It is
extremely modular, and the design is simple. This is the reason why it
persists so long when all the other OSs have died and have been
replaced. The simple design and modularity and experience over the last
30 years has made it a very stable and efficient OS. Linux is mostly a
complete rewrite of Unix so has inherited the simplicity and modularity
in design. It has got the learning that was done over the last 30 years.
It has also tried to move away from the topics that have been found to
be better implementable in different ways. The efficiency and stability
of Linux also derives from the immense manpower that it can muster. But
thats the very basic OS. Linux is the King when it comes to automation
through scripts, because it has inherited the 30 years SysAdmin culture.

Linux seriously lacks in User Interfaces. This has happened due to the
fact that for the past twenty years, Unix has been developed by the
consortium of Unix Vendors. Unix had been in a very high margin segment.
Where it matters how stable and scalable an OS is. But it gets very
little points on the UI. These vendors had never been interested in the
desktop or the commodity market which is driven by very small margins.
So making a usable UI was very far from their minds. Due to this reason
there were no developments in these fields. But this problem is being
rectified, and efforts are being done by various people and Companies
because they see volume in the desktop market. The companies are
Gateway(Amiga) and Corel, and also other Linux vendors, who have a
vested interest in seeing Linux grow popular.

I agree that Linux's UI is still not very good (or rather they are not
very consistent). But there are reasons for that. Linux's UI effort has
been just three years, while Windows has been there for the Last 15
years. But still Linux's UI is improving as a much faster rate and I
would expect that it would overtake Windows UI in another two years. I
guess you don't have much more time to learn linux before getting
outdated ;-). But if you want to see what things are in store go to
http://www.enlightenment.org , http://www.gnome.org , http://www.kde.org
, http://www.gnustep.org . These are the sites that are spearheading the
development of the Linux GUI.

You could be pardoned for thinking that having four GUIs would not give
a consistent outlook. But this is the GNU (new :-)) way of working. You
start with thoroughly incompatible designs then the market decides which
feature of each is good then you incorporate good things of each merge
them and make a new one or make all of the compatible so that they start
looking consistent in each others domains. If somebody refuses to merge,
it gets thrown out.

Now lets look at NT. You think that its new technology, but when you dig
deep into it you will see aspects of VMS, because thats what the
original designers where familiar with. But that doesn't make it bad.
Its good that the experience was taken to build a new thing. Then there
is the aspect of MicroKernel. MicroKernels are known to be very modular,
but pay the price of that modularity with efficiency. The only OS that
tries to avoid this penalty by some genuine (and very complex) ideas is
HURD. All the others just collocate the servers with the microkernel.
This brings you back to square one. The robustness is gone. Because the
User space OS modules are actually running in the kernel space. NT goes
further than that it allows the drivers into the kernel space. Here I am
just talking of NT as the kernel not as a GUI. As a GUI I said that its
good having a full 15 years of Experience. But NT as a kernel is not
good enough, its extremely new, and has made too many bad compromises, I
believe collocating the graphics subsystem was another bad move. Too
much of the code runs in the kernel space. The whole point of
microkernel architecture was to reduce the amount of code that runs in
the kernel space, so that it would be more stable. NT is still a very
new technology and will take a lot more time to mature, and the way it
is expanding its code base, it may take forever.

NT still has a big lead in Applications, but thats because it has been
the monopoly for the past 10years. That will change in the next couple
of years. Actually as far as software engineers are considered they
would be much more comfortable with Linux. At least for me and most
engineers in my company, NT doesn't become usable unless we install
Cygnus utilities which provide Unix utilities on NT. The one thing I
hate about NT is that it tries to shield me from any problems that might
arise. I had a problem with my disk which I only found out when I
installed Linux on it. NT would not show that it was failing to write to
the disk sometimes. It puts up artificial barriers, because the
designers never thought that those things could be done. Lately it has
been trying to learn from Unix, and you can see all sorts of scriptable
text only programs. But the whole philosophy is restrictive.

By far the biggest lead of NT is in the area of GUI based rapid
application development environments. Linux has got very few and very
basic ones because there had been no graphical environments on Linux,
but I suppose that won't take more than a couple of years when software
companies start porting them onto Linux. Free ones will only be
available some three years later, that too I am little skeptic, but
maybe something like mozilla (I love emacs, but I think it will be too
slow if it did all that) might come to encompass everything.

I hope this will put things into context.

Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 21:11:15 -0200 (EDT)
From: Augusto Campos <brain@matrix.com.br>
To: letters@lwn.net
Subject: reviews - technical books

dear LWN people:

I have just uploaded some linux book reviews. Reviewed titles include:
"Apache - The definitive guide", "MySQL & mSQL", "Tcl/Tk in a Nutshell",
"Learning Python" and "HTML - The definitive guide" - all from O'Reilly,
which kindly sent us the books.

Linux in Brazil published the reviews in portuguese only, but you can
always rely on Babelfish to translate it (kind of) to other languages.

All these books are important for anyone trying to do serious jobs with
linux & the web, and the lack of foreign alternatives make O'Reilly's
books some kind of international best sellers.

Ah, the URL! Start at http://www.linux.trix.net/livros_adg.htm and keep
clicking on to the other books

Thank you for your time and attention
Augusto Campos

Augusto Cesar Campos - brain@matrix.com.br, augusto@tre-sc.gov.br
A fe' remove montanhas, mas eu prefiro dinamite.

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