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Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:49:31 -0600 (MDT)
From: Dan Burcaw <dburcaw@terraplex.com>
To: yellowdog-security@lists.yellowdoglinux.com
Subject: UPDATE: lpr

The Yellow Dog Linux Updates Team has released a new errata update to the
lpr package.

Package: lpr 
Date: October 27, 1999 
The original security patch broke some aspects of printing. New errata
RPMs are available which fix the problem. 

Urgency: MEDIUM
Solution: rpm -Uvh

Please verify the following md5 checksum for the lpr update before you
install this new package: md5sum lpr-0.46-1a.ppc.rpm

af084f3dd2e084a7a9c44b3b6865a96d RPMS/lpr-0.46-1a.ppc.rpm

For more information, please see our Errata and Updates site:

Yellow Dog Linux Updates Team
Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.