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Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 18:53:40 -0600 (MDT)
From: Dan Burcaw <dburcaw@terraplex.com>
To: yellowdog-security@lists.yellowdoglinux.com
Subject: SECURITY: ypserv

The Yellow Dog Linux Updates Team has released a new errata update to the
ypserv package which fixes a recently discovered security vulnerability.

Package: ypserv 
Date: October 27, 1999 
With ypserv, local administrators in the NIS domain could possibly inject
password tables. In rpc.yppasswdd, users could change GECOS and login
shells of other users, and there is a buffer overflow in the md5 hash

All Yellow Dog users that are using ypserv should upgrade to this errata

Urgency: MEDIUM 
Solution: rpm -Uvh

Please verify the following md5 checksum for the ypserv update before you 
install this new package: md5sum ypserv-1.3.9-1a.ppc.rpm

fa2254f50b3bf77a104ece3e4c93a2d3 ypserv-1.3.9-1a.ppc.rpm

For more information, please see our Errata and Updates site:

Yellow Dog Linux Updates Team
Terra Soft Solutions, Inc.