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From: Johan.Swenker@HetNet.NL
Subject: our LUG at computershow in Groningen
To: lwn@lwn.net
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 21:36:10 +0100 (CET)


In Groningen (with 170 000 inhabitants the largest town in the
north-eastern part of the Netherlands) will be a computershow
during the weekend of february 5th and 6th. There will be an
entrance fee of about Hfl 7.50 (which explains why I consider
it a commercial announcement, even though I won't earn a thing).

Our Linux Users Group will be present on both days from 10:00
untill 17:00. We will demonstrate Linux and answer questions
regarding Linux, installing Linux, Open Source etc.

Regards, Johan Swenker,
Coordinator of Linux werkgroep HCC afdeling Groningen