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Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 08:38:16 -0700 (MST)
From: Garth Sainio 
To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: [ANN] Yams 0.6.0 Released

Yams 0.6.0 was released today.

The major enhancement is the addition of session ids. These allow the host
of the referrer to be tracked, the shopping and secure servers to have
different urls, and the addition of a "Return from whence you came" link
to the end of the ordering process.

I've also setup the bug tracking on sourceforge and hope to start adding
the known bugs and feature requests today. 

This version is available at 

The complete change log follows.

0.6.0 - 02 March 2000
  * added concept of session ids 
         - allows for store server and secure server to have differnt urls
         - allows for tracking of where customer came from
         - allows for placement of "Return from whence you came" link
         at the end of the ordering process
  * changed behaviour of state field - popup for USA, textfield for
  other countries
  * more quoting cleanup
  * updated revenue report to display report for each referrer to store
  * strip spurious characters from address before passing to Signio
  * carts now combine correctly when user logins after starting with
  "anonymous" cart
  * renewals now properly update order number in subscriptions table
  * Fixed problem where program would die without leaving an error
  message if an address was not chosen from the list for non-billing
  address shipping
