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KDE Development News

Sun 26 Mar 2000 - Sat 1 Apr 2000

KDELIBS Freeze Delayed. The long-awaited feature freeze for kdelibs is now April 3rd, pushed back from the original March 30th date. Kurt Granroth has posted a progress chart at http://developer.kde.org/development-versions/kdelibs-status.html, which details the current status of each module of kdelibs.

Corel Contributions. A few Corel developers wrote in with some great news this week. Ming Poon writes that Corel has secured half a dozen of their full time QA people to assist in testing during the KDE 1.9 cycle, and is also actively offering help to developers with tasks listed on the KDE jobs page. In addition, after 6 months of searching, Corel has hired a full time UI designer to help with any UI design issues.

We heard from 2 other Corel developers this week in addition to Ming. Andre Charbonneau presented a proposal for a regional control panel, and is requesting suggestions and comments. Brian Pirie jumped in to a thread on the KDE print dialog, detailing Corel's progress on libaps, their Application Print Services API.

Faster configure. Michael Matz posted a patch to kde-core-devel this week which increases the speed of config.status, the configure phase which actually creates each Makefile, by a factor of almost 18! While not necessarily exciting to most users, the core developers were, of course, extremely pleased.

Floatable Widgets Available in KDEUI. Falk Brettschneider has committed a set of classes for floatable widgets in kdeui. These classes give KDE developers the capability to include 'tearable' widgets in their applications, which are controls that can be dragged from a KDE window and float in their own separate window.

Suggestions, comments, and especially contributions to soudan@kde.org. You can always find the current edition of KDN at http://developer.kde.org/news/weekly/, as well as archives of past editions. KDN is published weekly, written and edited by Bill Soudan (soudan@kde.org) and Prasanth Kumar (kumar1@home.com).

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