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The LWN 2000 Linux Timeline

2000 has been another wild year for the Linux community, with surprises for all.

Continuing the popular tradition of our 1998 and 1999 Linux Timelines, here is our attempt to summarize what has happened in the Linux world over the last year. This is version 0.9 of the LWN 2000 Linux Timeline. If there is an important item missing please drop us a note at timeline@lwn.net to let us know what we missed.

The 2000 timeline

The timeline is split up into individual months, for quick loading and ease of access.

If you prefer, you may also:

See also the change log to see what has been added in later versions of the timeline.


The 2000 LWN.net Linux Timeline was produced by Dennis Tenney and Jonathan Corbet with input across the net.

Thanks to the following who have helped to make the 2000 timeline more complete!

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