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From:	 Tom Oehser 
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Tomsrtbt comes out in favor of free beer.
Date:	 Fri, 13 Apr 2001 19:58:45 +0000 (America/New_York)

 > "It may turn out that the free download was a late 1990's
 >  anomaly, and not the way it works in the long run."

I just thought I would announce that the Tomsrtbt distribution is
committed to making the full distribution available as a downloadable
media image forever, and in fact the full image is mirrored at several

Also that tomsrtbt-1.7.250 has been released, the major change is that all
awk (Mawk) has been replaced by Lua!  Utilites written at this point in
Lua on tomsrtbt are:

  wc unrpm-- undeb-- tee split login head
  grep dirname cut cmp basename dhcpcd--

all of which I wrote from scratch myself.  The Lua included on tomsrtbt
includes support for TCP and UDP sockets, MD5 hashing (and block-feedback
encryption), and regular expression parsing.  There are plans to replace
several other utilities with Lua scripts, freeing up more space for
