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From:	 Andreas Gruenbacher <ag@bestbits.at>
To:	 acl-devel@linux.bestbits.at
Subject: [Acl-Devel] Version 0.7.11 released
Date:	 Wed, 2 May 2001 18:22:58 +0200 (CEST)
Cc:	 Robert Watson <rwatson@FreeBSD.org>, Jeremy Allison <jeremy@valinux.com>


as some of you have already realized, I've uploaded a slightly improved
version to <http://acl.bestbits.at/> a couple of days ago; fixes from

The changes in the ACL library (acl_{get,set}_{file,fd}()) were done to
align with implementations on other systems (like FreeBSD). (The standard
is not totally clear on this).

The xdelta version of the fileutils patch was broken due to a version
conflict with GNU automake. (Don't try to build and re-package fileutils
with either automake 1.4 or the current CVS version--both are broken and
hence won't work correctly.)


From the Changes file:

0.7.11 (2 May 2001)
Fileutils patch:
  * A packaging error caused some files to be missing in the xdelta

0.7.10 (31 April 2001)
Kernel patches:
  * Extended attributes are now no longer CONFIG_EXPERIMENTAL, so
    `Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers' no longer
    needs to be activated.

ACL utilities:
  * acl_get_fd(), acl_get_file() now don't return basic ACL's anymore;
    instead they set errno to ENOTSUP.
  * acl_set_fd(), acl_set_file() fail on filesystems that don't support
    ACLs, even if the ACL to be set is a basice ACL. Instead they set
    errno to ENOTSUP.
  * If msgfmt is not present on a system, the message catalog(s) are
    no longer built.

Fileutils patch:
  * Patch for fileutils-4.1

 Andreas Gruenbacher, a.gruenbacher@computer.org
 Contact information: http://www.bestbits.at/~ag/

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