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From:	 Marek Zelem <marek@fornax.elf.stuba.sk>
To:	 <linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: e2salvage, Ext2 repairing utility
Date:	 Thu, 24 May 2001 18:18:36 +0200 (CEST)

I announce the ext2 filesystem repairing utility, e2salvage.

e2salvage is a utility which tries to recover a data from damaged ext2
filesystems. Unlike e2fsck, it does not look for the data at particular
places and it don't tend to believe the data it finds; thus  it can handle
much more damaged filesystem. Moreover, fsck connects the found i-nodes to
lost+found directory. e2salvage instead tries to recover the directory

You can download the package at http://project.terminus.sk/e2salvage/ .

					Marek Zelem
  e-mail: marek@fornax.elf.stuba.sk
  web: http://fornax.elf.stuba.sk/~marek/
  pgp key: http://fornax.elf.stuba.sk/~marek/gpg.txt

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