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From:	 Michael Meeks <michael@ximian.com>
To:	 gnome-components-list@gnome.org, gnome-announce-list@gnome.org
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Bonobo 1.0.6 released
Date:	 Wed, 27 Jun 2001 07:45:18 -0400 (EDT)

	This release is a load of small fixes and some nice UI
acceleration work from Alexander that should speed up Nautilus window
opening noticably.

	libtool-1.4 is required to build this release.

* What happened ?

	* UI handler stuff:

		* set/get prop acceleration (Alexander Larsson)
		* Key stroke handling fixage (Darin)
		* default icon fixage (Jacob)
		* prototype cleans (Johan Dahlin)

	* Misc stuff
		* re-entrancy fix in event_source_destroy (Me)
		* moniker-extender-file fix (Dave Camp)
		* item-container bug (Dave Camp)
		* Portability fixes (? & Dietmar)
		* doc fixes (Jacob)
		* updated tests (Me)
		* config dialog rename (Miles Lane)
		* fixed libefs linking (Federico)

* Availability - when ftp.gnome.org updates.


 mmeeks@gnu.org  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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