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From:	 Constantin Loizides <Constantin.Loizides@isg.de>
To:	 fsdevel-list <linux-fsdevel@vger.kernel.org>,
	 xfs-list <linux-xfs@oss.sgi.com>,
	 reiserfs-list <reiserfs-list@namesys.com>,
	 jfs-list <jfs-discussion@oss.software.ibm.com>
Subject: Fragmentation of Journaling FS
Date:	 Wed, 01 Aug 2001 12:01:02 +0200


I would like to announce the new version of my 
fragmentation project website at


Please note, that this page is not intended to jugde
and compare the absolut performance of the different filesystems.
I rather hope that it may help developers in designing their filesystems
and maybe users in deciding which one to choose for which task.
It's one of the powers of linux that it provides so many different
so we should be aware of the pros and cons of each.

Two results of the "agesystem" tool I describe on the page, really are
strange and  need to be understood. Why is there the sharp performance
of XFS and JFS? (the cpu time does not show this behaviour, so it
seems to be disk time). Surely more work has to be done, newer versions
of the 
systems to be tested, different setups to be tried. Please note,
that agesystem is a misleading term, it doesnot age up to now, it just
write to the disk once without deletion of any created file. 

Please read through my descriptions and look at the results, maybe you
ideas and suggestions what to measure in future.

At the moment test are running with a different setup, I will describe
tool "agesystem2" on the page today or tomorrow.

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