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Linux Performance Tuning and Capacity Planning

With the increasing popularity of Linux as a network operating system
alternative, Sams Publishing is dedicated to supplying high-quality books
covering the topics system administrators, engineers and programmers need.  

The new book Linux Performance Tuning and Capacity Planning (Sams Publishing,
ISBN 0-672-32081-9, $44.99 USA)  teaches readers to get the most from a Linux
operating system by using the latest techniques for performance tuning and
optimization.  Presented by experts in the field, Jason R. Fink and Matthew
D. Sherer, this book is an overview of the topic for the experienced
professional.  Topics covered include:
*	A theoretical overview of performance tuning
*	A discussion of the risks involved and plans for prevention
*	An examination of popular Unix tools
*	An examination of native Linux performance tuning tools
*	The concepts of capacity planning
*	A description of how to design and manage a capacity plan

In addition to this book, Sams Publishing has other excellent Linux titles
available and will publish many other high-end Linux titles this fall

*	Sams Teach Yourself Linux Security Basics in 24 Hours by Aron Hsiao (ISBN
*	Postfix by Richard Blum (ISBN 0-672-32114-9)
*	Sams Teach Yourself Unix in 24 Hours by David Taylor (ISBN 0-672-32127-0)
*	CUPS Common Unix Printing System by Michael Sweet (ISBN 0-672-32196-3,
available September 2001)
*	FreeBSD Unleashed by Michael Urban and Michael Tiemann (ISBN 0-672-32206-4,
available October 2001)
*	Unix Unleashed by Andy Johnston and Robin Anderson, et al (ISBN
0-672-32251-X, available  December 2001)

For review copies, please contact:
Amy Sorokas
Sams Publishing