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From:	 Olivier Fourdan <fourdan@xfce.org>
To:	 xfce-announce <xfce-announce@moongroup.com>
Subject: Xfce 3.8.7 is out !
Date:	 Tue, 28 Aug 2001 15:42:15 +0200

Hello World\n

Xfce 3.8.7 is released.

This release fixes a few bugs like the one that caused the panel to 
crash when compiled on Aix using xlC, adds new features like the use of 
DISABLE_XFCE_USER_CONFIG to avoid any user configuration/customization 
(for terminals publicly accessible or set to boxes) and improves a few 
other stuff.

XFce is a lightweight  desktop  environment  for  various *NIX systems.
Designed for productivity,  it loads  and  executes  applications fast,
while conserving  system resources. XFce is all free software, released
under GNU General Public License.    Available from http://www.xfce.org