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From:	 No Starch Press<games@nostarch.com>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Announcement: SDL Game Contest
Date:	 Thu, 13 Sep 2001 14:59:20 -0700 (PDT)

No Starch Press, publishers of PROGRAMMING LINUX GAMES, is pleased to
announce an SDL GAME DEVELOPMENT CONTEST, open to entries from game
developers worldwide.

Create a complete SDL-based computer game under 1 megabyte, and send it to
games@nostarch.com by DECEMBER 1, 2001 and you could win the entire Loki
Software game library, books from No Starch Press, a subscription to Linux
Journal magazine, and more! 

Contest details: www.nostarch.com/?games
Questions: games@nostarch.com

Sponsored by
No Starch Press, www.nostarch.com: Publishers of PROGRAMMING LINUX GAMES

Loki Software, Inc. www.lokisoftware.com: Ports best-selling PC games to Linux

Linux Journal www.linuxjournal.com: The leading Linux magazine

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