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From:	 "Anthony W. Youngman" <Anthony.Youngman@ECA-International.com>
To:	 "'lwn@lwn.net'" <lwn@lwn.net>
Subject: The Common Linux Installer Group
Date:	 Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:56:43 +0100

LWN received an announcement  for the "Common Linux
Installer Group," an organization which is trying to develop a standard,
GPL-licensed installer for Linux distributions. The group is being
by the folks at Blue Linux .

And it is likely to be obsoleted by LSB v2...

There is pressure (from me as the prime mover - although others agree with
me) to define an API in the lsb 2 that tells an installer how to interact
with the package database. At a minimum it will allow an install program to
tell the database what it has installed, and also to tell the database what
it needs the base distro to install.