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From:	 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
To:	 ha-linux List <linux-ha@muc.de>
Subject: High-Availability Linux (linux-ha) news for October
Date:	 Tue, 23 Oct 2001 15:13:29 -0600
Cc:	 Linux-HA Development List <linux-ha-dev@lists.community.tummy.com>


Here's a summary of what we've accomplished in October 2001 in the Linux-HA

Put together 8 rapid-fire beta releases of the version.  They
	making it compile on newer Linuxes
	new stonith plugins
	fixes to split-brain recovery (it now really works)
	minor fixes to client code
	Fix to gratuitous ARP code to make it work w/more switches

Added about 15 features/bug fixes to the 0.5.0 beta code.  Most notable are
the following:
	Lclaudio's standby enhancement
	split-brain recovery code - and testing
	New tests in test suite for the "standby" code
	Significant real-time performance fix
	Got serial code working correctly
	Fixed resource releasing
	Changed it so that it doesn't stonith a node which shuts down
	Ports to several OSes: FreeBSD, AIX, Solaris, etc.
	Nice fix for displaying which process is doing what in 'ps'
	Fix to gratuitous ARP code to make it work w/more switches
	There are now only a handful of other fixes before we start the next
		beta series (leading to 0.5.0).
	Added code to cause our ha_log() calls to be treated like printfs
		for type checking.

On other fronts:
We finally put up Ram Pai's API documentation on the web (Thanks Ram!).

Updated the faqntips document.

We are making more progress on the open cluster framework meeting scheduled
	in the Netherlands
We had more discussions with the Open Standards Group about working with
	also reviewed some of their proposed IP rules
Made progress understanding the distinctions between telco and enterprise HA


	-- Alan Robertson