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From:	 MandrakeSoft <kadjo@mandrakesoft.com>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net.cool@lwn.net
Subject: The Release Candidate of Mandrake Linux 8.1 for Itanium is available
Date:	 Thu, 18 Oct 2001 09:37:21 -0700

With the upcoming Mandrake Linux 8.1 for Itanium-based architecture,
MandrakeSoft will provide businesses with a robust and scalable Linux
solution for high performance computing.  This Release Candidate is the
last chance to contribute to the development of Mandrake Linux for IA-64
before the availability of the final version.  Businesses, system
administrators, developers, and scientists who have the opportunity to run
Intel Itanium-based computers are very welcome to take part in the Beta
test cycle.

Among several changes, you'll find the following improvements:

Updated packages:

- The Linux kernel is updated with fixes to the IA-32 emulation
  subsystem. In addition, the kernel also features fixes to do_mmap2(),
  which enables file systems to be properly unmounted.
- Mailx (fix crashes)
- Tcl/tk (fixes for dejagnu/expect)
- Xfsprogs 1.3.9
- Strace 4.4

New packages:
- LAPACK (Linear Algebra PACKage)
- SYMPA, the famous Open Source mailing-list manager.

To download Mandrake Linux 8.1 for IA-64 please visit