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From:	 David Mentre <David.Mentre@inria.fr>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Attn: Development Editor, Latest Caml Weekly News
Date:	 06 Nov 2001 16:13:02 +0100


Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, week 31 Oct. to 6 Nov, 2001.

1) A new version of the Shared (Library) Patch
2) A new exact real arithmetic module for ocaml

1) A new version of the Shared (Library) Patch

Malcy announced a patch, against OCaml 3.03 ALPHA, making it possible to
create, link against and dynamically load shared libraries on i386 ELF

You can find it at http://algol.prosalg.no/~malc/scaml notable additions:
* Patch is now against OCaml 3.03 Alpha
* Implemented Natdynlink library, while its not drop in replacement for
  Dynlink, its reasonably easy to convert
* Which is illustrated by Camlp4 patch(included)

2) A new exact real arithmetic module for ocaml

Jean-Christophe Filliatre announced:

This is to announce an  exact real arithmetic module for ocaml, called
Creal (for Constructive Reals). It is available from here:


This module provides  an abstract data type of  real numbers, on which
all operations are exact,  and return immediately. When necessary, one
can ask for an approximation of a real number to a given precision and
this triggers all the actual computations, including approximations of
some operands to higher precisions if necessary.

This implementation  is based  on Valérie Ménissier-Morain  PhD thesis

The tarball  includes an ocaml  interface to GMP (GNU  Multi Precision
library), mainly written by David Monniaux.

 Opinions expressed here are only mine.