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From:	 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
To:	 Linux-HA Development List <linux-ha-dev@lists.community.tummy.com>,
	 ha-linux List <linux-ha@muc.de>, Linux Weekly News <lwn@lwn.net>
Subject: November 2001 Linux-HA summary
Date:	 Fri, 23 Nov 2001 11:22:54 -0700


Lots of things happened this month.

We finally released version - the new stable increment on top of
	0.4.9.  Main features from this are:
  + Proper recovery from cluster partitioning
  + Real time performance improvements
  + Made the IP address takeover code compatible with more switches and

Incorporated Luis Claudio R. Goncalves' new feature for putting a node into
	standby mode (into the main branch).

Added a feature to the test tool to test "standby mode".

Made significant progress on a first beta release of the new framework-based
	release with the automake-based config, etc.  Tested it several
	thousand iterations (this is the "main branch").

Announced a web configuration tool for heartbeat (based on webmin).
	Thanks to MSC software for funding this development!

Added a section of real-life user's reports on using heartbeat in

Alan R. resented a paper at IBM's Linux Summit in Austin, TX.

Alan R. attended Supercomputer 2001 and made many good clustering contacts,
	including with some people interested in working on standards for
	scientific clusters.

Prepared for the Open Cluster Framework working group meeting in Enschede.nl
	at the end of the month.

Began discussing open clustering standards with the commerce.net folks.

	-- Alan Robertson