[LWN Logo]
From:	 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
To:	 linux-ha-dev@lists.community.tummy.com,
	 ha-linux List <linux-ha@muc.de>, Linux Weekly News <lwn@lwn.net>,
	 Steve Fox <drfickle@us.ibm.com>
Subject: Heartbeat version released
Date:	 Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:49:03 -0700

We are proud to announce the latest stable release of the Linux-HA heartbeat
package - version  It is intended to be a small, safe increment
over the previous stable release 0.4.9.

The big changes over the 0.4.9 stable version are:

  + Proper recovery from cluster partitioning
  + Real time performance improvements
  + Made the IP address takeover code compatible with more switches and

The detailed change log is below:

  + Fixes to the restart after shutdown for cluster partitioning  (really!)
  + The Famous CLK_TCK compile time fixes (really!)
  + Changed the code which makes FIFOs to not try and make the FIFOs for
        named clients, and several other minor API client changes.
  + Fixed a fairly rare client API bug where it would shut down the
        client for no apparent reason.
  + Added stonith plugins for: apcmaster, apcmastersnmp switches, and ssh
        module (for test environments only)
  + Added support for the Baytech RPC-3 switch into baytech module
  + Fixes to APC UPS plugin
  + Got rid of "control_process: NULL message" message
  + Got rid of the "controlfifo2msg: cannot create message" message
  + Added -h option to give usage message for stonith command...
  + Changed where usage messages go depending on exit status from usage().
  + Made some more functions static.
  + Small, but significant Real-time performance improvement changes
  + Updated the faqntips document
  + Added a feature to heartbeat.h so that log messages get checked as
        printf-style messages on GNU C compilers
  + Changed several log messages to have the right parameters (discovered
        as a result of the change above)
  + Changed send_arp code to send out both ARP requests and responses


	-- Alan Robertson