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From:	 "Anthony A. Jean" <diablo@linuxsalute.com>
To:	 letters@lwn.net
Subject: Linuxsalute-Gnome beta
Date:	 Fri, 30 Nov 2001 20:00:03 -0600

                                LinuxSalute-Gnome 0.90b Beta Testers

                            LinuxSalute.com is looking for several
persons interested in participating in the beta test of its collection
of binary packages for Gnome on Slackware systems.

                            LinuxSalute is hoping to do for Slackware
what Ximian has done for users of other Linux distributions, that is to
provide easily installable Gnome software in
                            prepackaged format. We use the standard
Slackware .tgz package format so it should drop in with pkgtool.

                            Interested parties should contact
beta@linuxsalute.com for further information.