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From:	 dennis@made-it.com
To:	 discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
Subject: GNUstep Weekly Editorial 29-03-2002
Date:	 Fri, 29 Mar 2002 06:30:56 +0100

                            Editorial 29 March 2002
Mailing lists

   GNUMail.app has reached version 1.0.0! Great work Ludovic Marcotte and
   everybody who helped him.
   Sometimes a little URL shows you some nice apps. That happened this
   week. Yen-Ju Chen send the URL of his homepage where we can find his
   PCRE wrappers for GNUstep, and curious as your editor is, he visited
   the link. To my suprise there where another two nice GNUstep
   applications which nobody knew about. So I would like to say: Visist
   this one [1]http://www.people.virginia.edu/~yc2w/GNUstep/english/.
   Ofcourse you can now also find them in the software section of
Code changes

   Nicola Pero changed the config.make.in. He added extensive comment
   about why we should not get AWK and SED from configuration, but simply
   define them to be 'awk' and 'sed'.
   Richard Frith-Macdonald more Windows stuff to handle sterr and
   processes better. And het added the NSZombie functionality.
   In gnustep-gui Gregory John Casamento added dictionary to
   NSOutlineView, Adam Fedor added a patch by Yen-Ju Chen to use new
   unicode functions for string conversion and he also made the biggest
   change of this week: the introduction of the new backend:
   gnustep-back. For this report I will quote a part of his e-mail:
This is basically a revised xgps library broken up into better organized
pieces (window server, device-independant graphics stack, xlib graphics

I've also revised the list of graphic operators (PS and DPS operators)
to only include essential graphic operators that don't require stack
handling (which we've never properly implemented anyway) plus a few more
  functions that provide some important behavior. This new set of
  graphic operators should also allow us to emulate Quartz functionality
  (at some point).

   And last update on gnustep-gui is the patch by Jeff Teunissen for
   NSWorkspace and the added Common_HomeDirectory.tiff. Great work!
   Since gnustep-xgps will become absolete in the near future I'll just
   report that Adam Fedor made the hacks to get xgps to work with new
   frontend server split.
   That leaves me for the GNUstep core with the code introduction of
   gnustep-back which was largely a code abstraction of xgps, with
   changes and introduction by Adam Fedor.
   Manuel Guesdon made gsweb comply more to the coding standards, while
   Gregory John Casamento and Pierre-Yves Rivaille worked their way
   through Gorm which has now support for GormNSTableView.
Official GNUstep releases

   This is a new section in the editorial. From now on I will put in this
   sectrion the changes and updates of the official GNUstep applications.
     * GNUstep-GUI 0.7.6
     * GNUstep XGPS backend 0.7.6
     * Pantomime 1.0.2
     * GNUMail.app 1.0.0
     * GWorkspace 0.3.3
     * ProjectCenter 0.3.0pre1
   Happy Stepping,
   Dennis Leeuw


   1. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~yc2w/GNUstep/english/