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Continuing to expand the reach of the Linux Desktop, the Graphics Muse is
pleased to announce the release of the Graphics Muse Tools CD: Linux
Edition, Version 1.1.  a comprehensive collection of add on tools and data
files for the premier open source desktop package, the GNU Image
Manipulation Program (GIMP).

Houston, Texas (Mar 31, 2002) -- Michael J. Hammel, the Graphics Muse, is
pleased to announce the release of the latest version of The Graphics Muse
Tools CD: Linux Edition, a suite of Plug-Ins, scripts and data designed
specifically for use with GIMP 1.2 on Linux systems.

The Graphics Muse Tools CD includes over 110 binary plug-ins plus over 30
Perl and over 90 Script-FU scripts gathered from the GIMP Registry and
across the Internet, all compiled for use on Linux systems.  This
collection includes plug-ins for file management, image distortion,
animation and even font handling.  Some of the tools new to this release

* Freetype, an advanced text rendering tool.
* Physically Modeled Media, a set of three plug-ins that simulate natural
  texture drawing and painting as well as photo realistic sky renderings.
* Filter Launcher, a tool for quickly launching some of the more widely
  used plug-ins in the GIMP without having to use the menu system.
* GLogo, which generates logos suitable for use as a Linux boot display
* Stegano, which hides text files by embedding them in image data.
* IPX, a set of updated image processing plug-ins.
* SphereDesigner, a planet generating tool from the same developer who
  brought us GIMPressionist.

These new tools complement the previous set of tools, which includes
plug-ins such as 

* Kaleidescope, to reflect images as in a mirrored kaleidescope.
* Forge, a sophisticated world rendering plug-in with a simple interface!
* And Support for Landsat, PhotoCD, IFF-ILBM, CAD, Cineon and other file

...and many, many more!

Additionally, the CD includes over 150 new brushes and over 130 new patterns.
An index of plug-ins and scripts is included in the documentation with
links to many of the plug-in web sites.

All binary plug-ins are compiled against the latest stable version of GIMP,
version 1.2.2, the version most likely to be available on current Linux
distributions.  Installation of the Graphics Muse Tools CD tools and data
is handled through a simple to use graphical interface.

The Graphics Muse Tools CD is available for Red Hat Linux 7.x, SuSE 7.2 and
Mandrake Linux 8.1 systems and can be purchased for $12, plus shipping and
any applicable sales tax, from the Graphics Muse Tools CD web site:


Michael J. Hammel           |
The Graphics Muse           |  Why do croutons come in airtight packages?
mjhammel@graphics-muse.org  |  just stale bread to begin with.