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From:	 "B. E. Irwin" <beirwin@shaw.ca>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Loads of Linux Links (LoLL)-- 3000+ GPLed, subject-classified, and
	 searchable Linux links for all levels of Linux users
Date:	 Fri, 5 Apr 2002 15:25:42 -0800 (PST)

Stable Release of Loads of Linux Links (LoLL)--version 1.0.0

What: 3000+ subject-classified and searchable Linux links for all levels of
Linux users

How: The Loads of Linux Links (LoLL) project data (a GPLed bookmark file and
configuration files) are processed with bk2site
(http://bk2site.sourceforge.net) to form SourceForge and VLUG versions of
the Loads of Linux Links website

Why: Provides convenient access to information needed by all levels of Linux

Where: LoLL home page (http://loll.sourceforge.net), project page
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/loll), file release area
(http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=42381), and either a
SourceForge version (http://loll.sourceforge.net/linux/links) or VLUG
version (http://vlug.org/linux/links) of the Loads of Linux Links website

Who: Andrew Willard (willychilly@users.sourceforge.net) and Barbara E. Irwin

The purpose of the Loads of Linux Links project is to collect, organise,
classify and maintain important URLs about Linux and the Open Source
movement for all levels of Linux users. The LoLL project now has 3000+ links
which are updated regularly.

This project originally began as a service for the Victoria Linux Users'
Group (VLUG, http://vlug.org) but in the true spirit of Linux, we decided to
share this valuable resource with the wider Linux community by putting the
Loads of Linux Links project on SourceForge. Like Linux, this is a work in
progress, so stay tuned here for futher update announcements concerning
additional links and revised subject categories. Also, like Linux, no one
owns this project -- it's GPLed so the project can never be hijacked by
proprietary interests!

The current contributors to the project are Andrew Willard, past president
of VLUG with extensive experience with Linux hardware and software; Barbara
E. Irwin, current vice-president of VLUG with 30 years experience as a
professional librarian; and, most importantly, users of LoLL who submit new
or changed Linux-related URL's for the project with the assurance that their
contribution will remain under the GPL forever.


SourceForge version (http://loll.sourceforge.net/linux/links) of the Loads
of Linux Links website

VLUG version (http://vlug.org/linux/links) of the Loads of Linux Links

LoLL home page (http://loll.sourceforge.net)

LoLL project page (http://sourceforge.net/projects/loll)

LoLL file release area

VLUG (http://vlug.org) -- the sponsor for the initial effort on this
project. Thank You!

Barbara E. Irwin

Barbara Irwin
Victoria, B.C.  Canada

                      The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done
		      should never interrupt the one who is doing it.