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From:	 Phil Lavigna <phil@mandrakesoft.com>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter - Issue #38
Date:	 Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:26:25 -0700


                   M A N D R A K E     L I N U X

          C O M M U N I T Y      N E W S L E T T E R

              Issue #38    Wednesday, 10 April 2002


Welcome to the Mandrake Linux Community Newsletter -- dedicated to
keeping you up-to-date with the latest Mandrake-related news & info.

You are receiving this newsletter because you have subscribed to one of
the Mandrake services. To be removed from this mailing list, or to
request the newsletter in a different language, please see the bottom
of this page for instructions.


This Week's Summary: Mandrake in the News; Latest Activities at
MandrakeClub; Financial Corner; Business Case of the Week; 8.2 Software
Updates; Headlines from MandrakeForum.

Mandrake in the News
Linux.com -- MandrakeUser.org is chosen as one of "Three of the
Internet's best places to get started with Linux."
"Obviously, this is a Mandrake-specific site. But because it is geared
to beginners, go ahead, pick up a copy of Mandrake and get busy
installing. This is the best site out there for current docs and
tutorials. I've used this site extensively to find out which files to
edit, how to edit them, what programs I need to install and when; and
also to learn about .rpm packages and the dependency game."

The following two stories are an exchange between Robin Miller of
Linux.com, and Jacques Le Marois, CEO & co-founder of MandrakeSoft:

Linux.com -- Mandrake 8.2: great software distributed poorly.
Roblimo reviews Mandrake Linux 8.2 and says it's a great operating
system, but thinks MandrakeSoft has some funny ways of distributing it
that may be bad for business.

Linux.com -- MandrakeSoft CEO: Our Mandrake Club makes business sense.
In response to the above article, Jacques Le Marois, explains the logic
behind enacting a business model based on the MandrakeClub.

The Mandrake Club Newsletter #5 is out.
Learn about the latest Club activities, including:

    * New Downloads
    * 8.2 Prosuite DVD+CD special discount
    * StarOffice 6.0 OEM license
    * One busy webmaster!


Changing the username.
Denis explains how to change your MandrakeClub username (account name).
He says: "Please read the following article, even if you are satisfied
with your current username: company-wide usernames must be unique, and
they will have a priority over nicknames used today on various
Mandrake* sites. Therefore, hurry up and "reserve" your Mandrake*
username before someone else does it!"

Not yet a Mandrake Club member? To learn more, please visit:

Financial Corner
Mandrake Shareholder Newsletter -- April Edition.
This month's newsletter addresses the recent dip in stock price, and
also comments on the company's financial health:
"On March 11th, we made a press release concerning one of our online
services, the "Mandrake Club". It would seem that this press release,
which was aimed at Mandrake Linux users, created a certain amount of
worry concerning MandrakeSoft's financial situation. Also, several
negative rumours have been circulating regarding MandrakeSoft. As a
result of these developments, MandrakeSoft's share price has dropped
significantly in the last few weeks. It is important for us to
communicate some facts to you concerning MandrakeSoft's situation.

Subscribe to the MandrakeSoft Shareholder Newsletter:

Business Case of the Week
Apunix Uses Mandrake Linux for Large-Scale Kiosk Deployment.
Apunix Computer Services is an award winning developer of
state-of-the-art touch screen, interactive, multimedia information
kiosks. The company has used Mandrake Linux 7.2 in the successful
development, deployment, and continued use of a network of 160 kiosks
for TravelCenters of America.

"These 160 Mandrake Linux-based kiosks have been running trouble-free
since their installation. With a membership card swipe, the kiosks and
their touch screens allow professional truck drivers, who are enrolled
in TA's RoadKing ClubTM  program, access to services and benefits at
each TA location. The drivers can check their accumulated points and
print coupons at the kiosks, which they redeem for TA goods and
services such as food purchases in the full service restaurants or
branded fast food restaurants, travel store items, truck service and
repair, or showers. Each "hit" or use of the kiosk that results in the
printing of a redemption coupon translates to a sale for a
TravelCenters of America location."

Every "bizcase" counts; please share your story by submitting it to

Software Updates
Security-related software updates have been released for:

Various updated 8.2 errata packages.

View the complete list at:

Headlines from MandrakeForum
Tour-de-sound Part 1 SiS Chipsets and AudioCDs.
Civileme describes how to get sound working with the onboard SiS 630,
730 and 735 chipsets, and also how to play audio CDs with KDE's CD

KDE 3 Primer.
KDE3 packages are now available for Mandrake Linux 8.2 & 8.1. Be sure to
read this story for some valuable hints on how to handle the KDE3
packages from MandrakeSoft.

Bugfix updates for 8.2 now available.
New packages have been uploaded that fix a few various bugs that made it
into the Mandrake Linux 8.2 distribution. Read the full Advisory.

The Future of Mandrake Linux? The Answers!
"Were you concerned after reading the "Future of MandrakeSoft" message
that was released on March 11th? Do you feel that MandrakeClub is not
an ideal solution for a commercial business? Do you support the idea of
the Club, but have been unable to pay? Would you prefer to become a
shareholder? Jacques Le Marois, CEO of MandrakeSoft, answers these
questions and more..."

New payment options on MandrakeClub/MandrakeStore
Following the recent complaints from folks who blamed "lack of the
payment options" as the reason for not joining the MandrakeClub, we
have added several new ways of payment to "mandrakesecure" backend, and
work towards solving the remaining problems. As "MandrakeClub" and
"MandrakeStore" use the same backend, new payment options are available
for both sites. More details below...

Read these and other stories at MandrakeForum
