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From:	 "Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy" <grisha@modpython.org>
To:	 mod_python@modpython.org
Subject: [mod_python] Announce: 2.7.7
Date:	 Wed, 10 Apr 2002 18:06:04 -0400 (EDT)

I have released mod_python 2.7.7.

This release (as far as I could tell adequately) addresses the security
issue whereby a module indirectly imported by a published module could
then be accessed via the publisher.

It is highly recommended that you upgrade, especially if you use the

A quick way to upgrade is to just replace the apache.py file and restart
httpd - everything else is pretty much the same except for the verion
number. Windows users should still be able to use the 2.7.6 DLL with the
new apache.py.


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