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From:	 Brad Hards <bhards@bigpond.net.au>
To:	 linux-usb-devel@lists.sourceforge.net,
Subject: [linux-usb-devel] First cut at Linux HID programming guide available
Date:	 Mon, 22 Apr 2002 12:31:50 +1000
Cc:	 "Hans E. Kristiansen" <hans@tropic.net>

I have put up my working draft on 

This covers HIDDEV (only a little, at this stage) and event interfaces (a bit 
more complete - should be at least partly usable). Also, some of the event 
stuff pre-supposes getting a couple of patches accepted - it won't all work 
with vanilla 2.4.19-pre7.

You can also get PS (http://www.frogmouth.net/hid-doco/Linux-HID.ps) and PDF 

In the longer term, I'd like to move it over to one or both of the USB or 
Linuxconsole sites, but it is so rough, I don't think that is appropriate 

Please don't /. the server, since it is download limited. However if you have 
time to look at it, and have any comments on the approach or content, I'd be 
keen to hear them.


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