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From:	 Gareth Noyce <gareth.noyce@ukonline.co.uk>
To:	 <lwn@lwn.net>
Subject: Announce: Civil reaches 0.70
Date:	 Fri, 26 Apr 2002 10:54:59 +0100
Cc:	 <slouken@libsdl.org>,


After much work, sweat and tears, I'm pleased to announce that Civil (a
cross-platform, turn-based, networked strategy game, developed using Python,
PyGame and SDL -- http://civil.sf.net) has reached version 0.70.

It's been a long time coming, but as you can see below the changes have been
significant, and very much worth the wait. The full changelog for this

*    Civil is no longer Realtime
*    Civil no longer requires a separate server
*    Full support for Linux, OS , BSD and Windows as of this version
*    Simple and extendable game engine
*    Scenario Handling greatly improved
*    Improved Scenario Editor
*    A player can store their own local scenarios
*    Civil properly creates directories for user local files
*    Initial support for a lounge system
*    Games can be saved and loaded
*    In-game infrastructure for user input
*    Much more efficient graphics updating
*    Screen resolution can be changed in-game
*    The panel has been removed and replaced with floating windows
*    Civil now supports sound effects and background music
*    In-game CD playing now supported
*    All commands for units work
*    Initial support for combat
*    Weapons handled intelligently
*    Weapon ranges displayed in-game
*    New terrain types and objective icons
*    Game Over handled
*    Credits screen added
*    Full support for animation
*    Proper transformations of the docbook manual to XHTML via XSLT
*    XSLT scenario processing updated for new GFX and changes to scenario

I'd be grateful if you could update your readership of this change in

Best Regards

Gareth Noyce