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From:	 Horst Knorr <hk_classes@knorrnet.de>
To:	 lwn@lwn.net
Subject: Info for your "Office applications" section
Date:	 Mon, 20 May 2002 16:18:54 +0100

Knoda 0.5.2 has been released.  Knoda is a GUI for accessing relational 
databases in KDE 3. It comprises a Form generator, a Table and Query generator 
and a Report Designer. 
 It's mainly a bugfix release.
Other features:
* The grid widget has been totally rewritten. Columnsizes in tables are stored  
* The knoda main window allows you to select the database driver.
* Comboboxes support autocompletion now. 

Horst Knorr 

Website: http://knoda.sourceforge.net