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From:	Andrew Derrick Balsa <andrebalsa@altern.org>
To:	linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu
Subject: The lkml FAQ has moved!
Date:	Fri, 4 Sep 1998 17:45:50 +0200


A short bit of administrative trivia: the lkml FAQ now has a new home,

www.tux.org is a reliable, fast, professionally maintained and high-bandwidth
connected Linux Web server, geographically in the USA. My sincere thanks to
David Niemi and Sam Chessman, the server managers.

Also my thanks to Aaron Porter, the lkml owner, for making the transition (in
the footer URL) swift and smooth.

And finally I want to express my thanks to all those that kindly offered to
host the lkml FAQ:

- Alan Cox (who first suggested to host the FAQ on vger and/or on
- Aaron Porter.
- Sean Reifschneider.
- Jonathan Corbet.
- David Ford.
- Oliver Xymoron.
- Trevor Johnson.
- Mr. Matthew G. Marsh.

The choice of tux was basically dictated by the fact that I "knew my way around
it", since I already had an old account on it, and it  fulfilled all
the technical requirements for hosting the FAQ (and then some more).

The previous URL on www.altern.org (in France) is deprecated and will not be
maintained anymore.

The FAQ maintenance got delayed somewhat but will catch up this weekend. As
usual, contributions are wanted and appreciated.

Andrew D. Balsa

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