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From:	Jakub Jelinek <jj@sunsite.ms.mff.cuni.cz>
Subject: SILO 0.8 released
To:	sparclinux@vger.rutgers.edu
Date:	Wed, 30 Sep 1998 16:10:29 +0200 (MET DST)


The bug when sun4[cdm] machines saw Bad gzip magic numbers is gone,
so I'm releasing a hopefully stable version of SILO - 0.8.
You can get it at
and enjoy.
It should allow you to make bootable CD-ROMs again, and a whole lot of new
things and should fix a lot of bugs. See some of my pre-release
announcements for details.
And as always, please report any bugs to me.
(BTW: I'm aware of the sparc64 problem with booting Solaris from the same
disk, so you don't need to report that - I'll look at it soon).

Jakub Jelinek | jj@sunsite.mff.cuni.cz | http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz
Administrator of SunSITE Czech Republic, MFF, Charles University
Ultralinux - first 64bit OS to take full power of the UltraSparc
Linux version 2.1.121 on a sparc64 machine (498.80 BogoMips).
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