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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 98 11:43:24 -0700
From: Michael Rousseau <rousseau@peakpeak.com>
To: sparc-list@redhat.com
Subject: First Impressions of Netscape 4.5 for S/Linux!\


I have been up all night, working at my SysAdmin "day" job. It is 11Am
as I write this.    I should be asleep, but I am hacking on my little
LX.  Why, you may ask, why?

I followed someone's lead, and installed the glibc from RawHide
I had to use --force in my rpm command, but it went in.  I thought "Hmm,
I read the disclaimer, am I about to render the machine unbootable?"
Nevertheless, I slammed it in as root, and hoped.

I had previously installed the Netscape S/Linux 4.5B when announced on
this list.  it aborted early on, just as others had posted.  I had let
the glibc download while I was at work last night, and I really wanted
to know before I went to bed today.  I kicked it off, and (quite a lot
of disk thrashing for cache space later), it zoomed open in
WindowMaker!    Oh, BTW, this is on kernel 2.0.33  (still can't compile

It is currently taking about 30% of memory and 8% of CPU on my LX (50MHz
microSPARC, 48MB, 1GB).  yeah, it is slow, but when you think about all
it is loading,  the feat is impressive.  THANK YOU!  to all who
contributed and sweated  to get netscape ported!  Special thanks to J.
Scott Kasten, Davind Miller (for ALL he does for us) and Mad matt, among
others (if I forgot primaries, please forgive).

I tested by configuring custom font sizes, teh normal server ID stuff,
and prefs.  Got a core dump the first time, fine the second.
Yahoo came up perfectly, as did Netscape Netcenter.  I risked it all by
connecting to my E*Trade account, and voila!, SSL worked, Java, and
JavaScript!  Works just like on Solaris.

If this message reaches you, teh mail composer worked without  dumping
core, too.  Cut, copy & paste keys work from my type 5 KB.  NNTP works
fine.  SMTP and POP testing is next, but I believe we have a winner!

Now to get it on my SS10MP, to see how multithreading on SMP works.
This combo, of my beloved NEXTSTEP interface on Sun hardware, with a
full-featured graphical browser (yes, I have enjoyed my Lynx reunion,
too) and a nice mail reader, has been a dream of mine since OpenStep
died.  I am so thrilled to see it and have it in my home.  This is a big
step forward for acceptance of our platform, both for desktop in the
home and office.

Those in the Linux community who do, I salute you!  Those who did this,
you have my enduring respect.  OK, off to bed!  After just a bit more
playing.... ;-D

SS LX, RH5.1
SS10 412, RH5.1, Solaris 2.6, OpenStep 4.2/sparc
NeXT Cube, OpenStep 4.2/M68K

PS, OK, a perusal of the headers will show that I did not send this from teh S/Linux boc.  I haven't configged the sendmail.cf yet.  But I believe it will all work great.

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