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Date: Wed, 28 Oct 1998 11:06:57 -0500 (EST)
From: Christopher C Chimelis <chris@classnet.med.miami.edu>
To: debian-alpha@lists.debian.org
Subject: SVGAlib...the neverending saga

Hi all...

Figured I'd give some info to anyone that's interested in why we don't
have the new SVGAlib packages working on the Alpha yet (I know a few have
tried already to port it with no success)....

Basically, it's ugly....really ugly.  Basically, it's going to need a
retooling (and partial rewrite) of the Alpha support within SVGAlib.
Turns out that, so far, it only supports LCA Alphas (Low-Cost Alphas) and 
APECS (21064-based) Alphas, but not the Pyxis-based (21164a-based) Alphas.
This may explain freaky SVGAlib performance on any LX, SX, or PC164-based

I'm already starting (in a few minutes) on the rewrite/retool.  Anyone who
wishes to help me on this and get a more technical explanation is welcome
to write to me (I could use the help).  Figured I'd let the rest of you
know anyway, though :-)


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