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From: Dominique Dumont <domi@barrayar.grenoble.hp.com>
Subject: [ANNOUNCE] new module Puppet::Show
Date: 15 Jan 1999 20:06:45 GMT


Puppet::Show is a utility class that is used (and not inherited like
the deprecated Puppet::Any) to manage a L<Puppet::Body> class through
an optional GUI.

So when you construct a Puppet::Show object, you have all the
functionnality of this object without the GUI. Then, when the need
arises, you may (or the user class may decide to) open the GUI of
Puppet::Show so the user may perform any interactive action.

On the other hand, if the need does not arise, you may instanciate a lot of 
objects (which uses Puppet::Show) without cluttering your display.

Suggested DSLI entry in the Tk Module list (section Module using Tk):

Puppet::Show adpO Optional Tk Gui for Puppet::Body         DDUMONT

The user class may use the Puppet::Show Tk widget (actually a
Tk::Multi::Toplevel widget) and add its own widget to customize the
GUI to its needs.

This class features :

- A Tk::Multi::Toplevel to show or hide the different display of the
  Show class (or of the user class)
- A menu bar
- An online help
- An event log display so user object may log their activity
- A Debug log display so user objects may log their "accidental"
- An Object Scanner display the attributes of the user object
- A set of functions to manage "has-a" relationship between Puppet
  objects.The menu bar feature a "content" bar which enabled the user
  to open the display of all "contained" objects.
- a facility to store data on a database file tied to a hash.

I'd like people who use this module for their application to drop me a
short note about what they're using this module for.

