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To: mozilla-java@mozilla.org
From: Sunny Hundal <ec95ssh2@brunel.ac.uk>
Subject: Jazilla.org changeover
Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 14:19:51 +0000


The new site has now gone live :) Like I said, please mail me at
university or webmaster@jazilla.org if there is some commets or
suggestions you wish to make.

In addition, If there is some announcement, you can also tell me and I
could put it up on the front page news section, or if you have access
please fell free to change it your self...

Status pages :
This is for the relevant people to update I guess. I've put in an empty
file in for each and all one has to do is write whatever they want in
the status pages. Same goes for the To do lists.

W3 compliance :
By running the validator through index.html you will see that it will
say that the page is not fully compliant. The reason for this is twofold
: firstly I've used Netscape specific attributes such as MARGINHEIGTH
AND MARGINWIDTH in the BODY tag to make sure the page aligns properly in
Netscape. Another reason is that the validator wants me to insert ALT
attribute in all the button images, which I think is no use at all as it
would only increase the size of the page without making an difference
apart from W3 compliance. That is the way I look at it. I'm leaving this
open for debate and if people want me to change then I can do it.


sandeephundal@netscape.net         (Webmail)
ec95ssh2@brunel.ac.uk              (University)
http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~ec95ssh2/ [Cyberhome]
http://www.jazilla.org/            [Jazilla]
"All business is personal"   
                             - The Godfather