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From:	Torsten Uhlmann <TUhlmann@gmx.de>
To:	kde-announce@alpha.tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Messenger 0.0.3 available
Date:	Fri, 7 May 1999 11:43:26 +0200

Hi folks,

hereby I want to announce the availability of version 0.0.3 
the small modem tool Messenger.

You can get it from my homepage at

Here is the ChangeLog for version 0.0.3:

1999/05/08 (Version 0.0.3):
	* device will be locked when messenger is running
	* printing menu entry
	* you can process voice messages now
	* a modem control dialog has been added
		you can now control nearly all USR Msg Plus
		special features
	* some improvements for the gui (enable/disable commands
		depending on the selected entry
	* a progress dialog when downloading the modem memory
	* when finishing Messenger you can deside whether or not to
		switch in standalone mode

I hope you find this tool useful!


best regards,
Torsten Uhlmann

Wise men still seek him!