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Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:55:56 -0700
From: "Ivan E. Moore II" <rkrusty@tdyc.com>
To: kde@tdyc.com
Subject: [Debian KDE] new pacakges

Ok, I got bored again so I packaged up some new stuff.

kcrontab - a crontab editor
kcmdhcpd - a dhcp configurator
ksniffer - a packet sniffer
kcmbind - a bind (dns) configurator
mkkdelnk - .kdelnk file generator
cervisia - a CVS frontend
kapm - a kde based APM for laptops
klp - a printer frontend thing
ktimemon - a process tracker thing...
peoplespace - a contact management thing

mico (a corba thing for KDE)..this will come in handy when KDE 2.0
starts to compile corectly. :) (btw, qt2beta is there already)

Also, for those of you who care. :)

I've also packaged up for slink the newest copies of dpkg, apt, and
the devel stuff for building packages (dbuild, devscripts, debmake,

I told you I was bored.

Ivan E. Moore II                                      Rev. Krusty
http://www.tdyc.com				 rkrusty@tdyc.com
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