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Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 15:49:37 +0000
From: Gael Duval <gael@linux-mandrake.com>
To: lwn@lwn.net
Subject: [Fwd: SECURITY updates]

August, 25 1999 SECURITY UPDATE: wu-ftpd

the wu-ftpd deamon as distributed in the wu-ftpd package from Mandrake
6.0 has a security problem.
Upgrade to:

5815bc15ccd634af168f969cf1478baa wu-ftpd-2.5.0-2mdk.i586.rpm
3e3128b71b94195989fb76f98510a02f wu-ftpd-2.5.0-2mdk.src.rpm

August, 25 1999 SECURITY UPDATE: BeroFTPD

the BeroFTPD deamon as distributed in the BeroFTPD package from
Mandrake 6.0 has a security problem. Upgrade to:

8a57ca15bd7010eb59e15ca236fa62ae BeroFTPD-1.3.4-2mdk.i586.rpm
501e1842d6d60d3e6a13bbf3b57b1d14 BeroFTPD-1.3.4-2mdk.src.rpm

August, 25 1999 SECURITY UPDATE: lynx

lynx as distributed in the lynx package from Mandrake 6.0 has a
security problem. Upgrade to:

a092b77d8a7ad735475bd8432e450545 lynx-2.8.3dev.6-3mdk.i586.rpm
a7c2ee688950450210149dc8ad36c970 lynx-2.8.3dev.6-3mdk.src.rpm

< Gael DUVAL - gael@linux-mandrake.com >
< Mandrake 6.0 on http://www.linux-mandrake.com>;