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Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 19:48:11 +0000
From: Nathan Meyers <nmeyers@teleport.com>
To: java-linux@java.blackdown.org
Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: A Native-Code JDK1.2 Profiler


This is to announce the availability of Profiler, a JDK1.2 profiler that
reports how much time is being spent in native code.

Under the covers, Java is always running native code: the JVM, native
libraries, JIT-compiled code. Profiler allows you to see where the time
is really being spent. Its output includes a breakdown of which
libraries, and which procedures, the app is spending time in - it
includes a ranked list of hot spots. The information presented here can,
in some cases, be as useful as Java method-level profiling in
understanding your application's performance.

Profiler is implemented with the JVMPI interface, so you start it as you
do any JDK1.2 profiler:

    java ... -XrunProfiler:<options> ...

Profiler depends on features in the Linux 2.2 kernel to do some of its

You can find Profiler on my Open Source page at:


The README can be found at:


Nathan Meyers

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