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Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 23:38:19 -0600
From: Alan Robertson <alanr@bell-labs.com>
To: Linux-HA mailing list <linux-ha@muc.de>
Subject: New linux-ha-dev mailing list


For the last several months, I've maintained an informal mail alias in my
address book of people who seemed to be interested in the details surrounding
defining and developing community-developed Linux-HA software like heartbeat.  I
finally got around to putting together a real mailing list for it.  I expect to
see this working together with the soon-to-come CVS repository for Linux-HA.

I still intend to work architecture and requirements issues on the main HA
list.  This list is really more for bugs, micro-releases, etc. which are more
bleeding edge issues.

Here's where to sign up if you're interested:


There are immediate and digest versions to sign up for, and lots of options for
how to administer your subscription.  The archives don't seem to be working at
the moment.  Sean is looking into this.

	-- Alan Robertson

Linux HA Web Site: