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From: wzis@my-deja.com
Subject: Announce: CaclMgr is available for download
Date: Fri, 05 Nov 1999 03:22:18 GMT

  CaclMgr(TM) is a tool to let administrators/users have a easy
way to grant/check/revoke their priviledges be used by others
when execute prespecified commands. By using caclMgr package,
the chance to need to develop new setuid programs or have to
turn on setuid bit on existing commands are greately reduced.

  Compared with sudo, caclMgr is more multi-user friendly and
every user has his/her own database so that there is no need
every time to log on as root to update the database. With
every command in caclMgr package only does single task and
maintained as simple as possible, there is much less risks
to have bugs when compared with the becoming more and more
complicated sudo.

Please check
for more info.

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Before you buy.