Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1999 18:41:12 -0500 From: Dave WhitingerDave Whitinger ( Linux(R) is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in several countries.To: Subject: Linsight Launches
Phase 1 of the Linsight network is complete, and the launch happens December 31st, 1999 at 23:57 UTC.
Linsight is the professional approach toward providing a single and complete information resource for Linux. By providing resources for interested readers, Linsight will advocate Linux to an entirely new audience and raise awareness of the operating system to new markets. The need for a complete Linux information resource will be met, and Linsight stands ready to accomplish this goal.
Phase 1 of Linsight, launched today, is comprised of two resources:
LinEvents ( exists to make information pertaining to upcoming events that are related to Linux and Free Software/Open Source accessible.
LinEvents has been created to achive the following goals:
LinTraining ( exist s to make information pertaining to Linux training and certification accessible.
LinTraining has been created to achive the following goals:
Linsight ( is founded by Dave Whitinger, co-founder of Linux Today, and is wholly owned by Atipa Corporation.