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Date: Thu, 30 Dec 1999 12:39:19 -0800
From: Randy Dunlap <randy.dunlap@intel.com>
To: linux-usb@suse.com
Subject: [linux-usb] USB /proc tree viewer

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Here are updated procusb and usbtree (perl) scripts.
These work with virtual root hubs as in 2.3.35.

usbtree sample output for root hub, external hub with mouse,
keyboard, and cpia-based camera:

/:  Bus 00.Port 00: Dev 1, Class=root_hub, Driver=hub/2p, 12M
|__ Bus 00.Port 00: Dev 2, If 0, Class=hub, Driver=hub/4p, 12M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 00: Dev 3, If 0, Class=HID, Driver=mouse, 1.5M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 01: Dev 4, If 0, Class=HID, Driver=keyboard, 1.5M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 01: Dev 4, If 1, Class=HID, Driver=mouse, 1.5M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 03: Dev 5, If 1, Class=vend., Driver=cpia, 12M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 03: Dev 5, If 1, Class=vend., Driver=cpia, 12M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 03: Dev 5, If 1, Class=vend., Driver=cpia, 12M
    |__ Bus 00.Port 03: Dev 5, If 1, Class=vend., Driver=cpia, 12M

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# Reads /proc/bus/usb/devices and selectively lists and/or
# interprets it.

$DEVFILENAME = "/proc/bus/usb/devices";

print "\n";

$TAGS = $ARGV[0];		# save user TAGS
if (length ($TAGS) == 0)
	print "usage: $PROGNAME tags\n";
	print "  where 'tags' can be any number of 'TBDPSCIE' or 'A(LL)'\n";
	exit 1;

$ALL = ($TAGS =~ /all/i) || ($TAGS =~ /a/i);

# TBD: Check that $TAGS is valid.
if (! $ALL)

if (! open (DEVNUM, "<$DEVFILENAME"))
	print "$PROGNAME: cannot open '$DEVFILENAME'\n";
	exit 1;

while ($line = <DEVNUM>)	# read a text line from DEVNUM
	if (($ALL) || ($line =~ /^[$TAGS]:/i))	# any of TAGS at beg. of line?
		print "$line";	# still has newline char on it
				# TBD: add more/paging functionality.
} # end while DEVNUM

close (DEVNUM);
print "\n";

# END.

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# Reads /proc/bus/usb/devices and selectively lists and/or
# interprets it.

$DEVFILENAME = "/proc/bus/usb/devices";

print "\n";

$TAGS = $ARGV[0];		# save user TAGS
if (length ($TAGS) == 0)

if (! open (DEVNUM, "<$DEVFILENAME"))
	print "$PROGNAME: cannot open '$DEVFILENAME'\n";
	exit 1;

while ($line = <DEVNUM>)	# read a text line from DEVNUM
	# skip all lines except those that begin with "T:" or "D:" or "I:".
	if (($line !~ "^T:") && ($line !~ "^I:") && ($line !~ "^D:"))
		next;	# to the next line

	chomp $line;		# remove line endings

	# First convert '=' signs to spaces.
	$line =~ tr/=/ /;

	# and convert all '(' and ')' to spaces.
	$line =~ tr/(/ /;
	$line =~ tr/)/ /;

	# split the line at spaces.
	@fields = split / +/, $line;

	if ($line =~ "^T:")
		# split yields: $bus, $level, $port, $devnum, $speed, $maxchild.

		$bus    = @fields [2];
		$level  = @fields [4];
		$port   = @fields [8];
		$devnum = @fields [12];
		$speed  = @fields [14];
		$maxchild = @fields [16];
		$devclass = "?";
		$intclass = "?";
		$driver   = "?";
		$ifnum    = "?";
		$showclass = "?";	# derived from $devclass or $intclass
	} # end T: line
	elsif ($line =~ "^D:")
	{ # for D: line
		$devclass = @fields [5];
	{ # for I: line
		$intclass = @fields [9];
		$ifnum    = @fields [2];
		$driver   = @fields [15];
	} # end I: line

	if ($level > 1)
		$temp = $level;
		while ($temp > 1)
			print "    ";

	if (($devclass eq ">ifc") || ($devclass eq "unk."))
	{	# then use InterfaceClass, not DeviceClass
		$showclass = $intclass;
	{	# use DeviceClass
		$showclass = $devclass;

	if ($level == 0)
		print sprintf ("/:  Bus $bus.Port $port: Dev $devnum, Class=root_hub, Driver=hub/%sp, %sM\n",
			$maxchild, $speed);
		print sprintf ("|__ Bus $bus.Port $port: Dev $devnum, If $ifnum, Class=$showclass, Driver=$driver%s, %sM\n",
			($maxchild == 0) ? "" : ("/" . $maxchild . "p"),
} # end while DEVNUM

close (DEVNUM);
print "\n";

# END.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

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